Average CSS

GregorTacTac@lemm.ee to Programmer Humor@programming.dev – 538 points –

I am not allowed to credit the site that has this disaster. Its owner said "Nobody should see that"


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I am very, very surprised about the competence of the commenters here. I have had many discussions on reddit about the advantages of meaningful instead of presentational class-naming and you're normally met with great resistance, especially with users of frameworks like Bootstrap and Tailwind.

Here, everyone seems to either 'get it' or is willing to hear why classes like .lime are bad. Very cool.

Frameworks like bootstrap are a cancer.

good for quick and dirty small projects tho...


Ikr, like I don't need a full feature full stack framework... I just want my tech demo to not look like it was made in the 80s without spending hours. (I'm mostly a backend dev)

It's not too surprising. Consider the sort of person who would have abandoned reddit for Lemmy during the APIcolypse last year.