CNN hosts told they're "complicit" in Trump re-election in live interview to politics – 720 points –
CNN hosts told they're "complicit" in Trump re-election in live interview

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I am in complete agreement with your analysis here. I fully agree there is a double-standard of expectations, and quite frankly has been, for well over 2 decades.

Good to know you do agree with Lichtman after all.

Now that's an awfully cute strawman fallacy you've got there, buddy, but no that does not mean I buy the premise that asshole is saying in this article.

Will you listen if I explain why?

Depends on how many other incorrect catchphrases you're going to use.

Well considering nothing I said was countered, I win by default. So you better say yes or start mounting a substantive rebuttal.

I could care less about a rebuttal to you agreeing that the media has constantly reported on Trump.

You do you, keyboard warrior.