Toddler, 2, dies after shooting himself while left alone in a Walmart parking lot as his parents shopped for fireworks

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 456 points –
Toddler dies after shooting himself while left alone in a Georgia Walmart parking lot

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Im sorry, what?

Also what? The grandmother started a gofundme to pay for the funeral costs, so ‘the parents can grieve’?

Idiots or not they still grieve.

Yeah I definitely don't get the "what" factor in that.

Funerals aren't free and they might not have the money for it, so not having to pay for it would take some burden off them. Yes, they did something incredibly stupid but they've already paid an incalculable price for it.

Yeah, i get that, was a knee jerk to just such a messed up story.

I mean though there is idiot and then… well. Like a loaded cocked gun in the car… with a toddler alone? Like even just leaving the kid in the car alone is bad, but then there are so many more layers.

Oh yeah, everything about it is stupid, no question about that, but 🤷

Hopefully they spend some time reflecting on every one of their stupid choices that led to this outcome.

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