Barcelona anti-tourism protesters fire water pistols at visitors to World – 308 points –
Barcelona anti-tourism protesters fire water pistols at visitors | CNN

Protesters in Barcelona have sprayed visitors with water as part of a demonstration against mass tourism.

Demonstrators marching through areas popular with tourists on Saturday chanted “tourists go home” and squirted them with water pistols, while others carried signs with slogans including “Barcelona is not for sale.”

Thousands of protesters took to the streets of the city in the latest demonstration against mass tourism in Spain, which has seen similar actions in the Canary Islands and Mallorca recently, decrying the impact on living costs and quality of life for local people.

The demonstration was organised by a group of more than 100 local organizations, led by the Assemblea de Barris pel Decreixement Turístic (Neighborhood Assembly for Tourism Degrowth).


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I agree. The world would be a better place if more people with grievances used water pistols and fewer used the kind that fire bullets.

Squid, wtf? You’re a mod and this is a direct response to you, TCB son TCB


A removed comment that I didn't remove? I'm still not understanding.

It’s still showing on my side. My bad, I was going for lighthearted with the TCB.

I figured you already had them personally blocked and hadn’t seen it.

That’s why I reported it as well.


I think they are wondering why you, as a mod, didn't remove the extremely distasteful reply that the instance user made. I think they may think mods are more powerful than they are.

You could be right. For the record, it was simply because I wasn't around between the time it was posted and the time it was removed.

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