No common rube to Programmer – 1397 points –

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Could also be windows fault.

It likes to do soft restarts and not actually restart.

I started telling my users to always hold shift when shutting down or restarting to make sure it shuts down fully.

AFAIK fast startup only affects shutdown, clicking restart will always do a full reboot. Shift clicking shutdown will do a full shutdown like you said, but shift clicking restart will start recovery mode.

I explain fast boot to people by saying "for some reason Microsoft went and made the Shut Down button not actually shut down your PC, it really just puts it into a 'deep sleep' mode, and to their credit, it lets them say that boot times are faster... But it also means that in order to FULLY restart the PC, you have to click restart... I know it's a pain"

Usually I get looked at like I'm from another planet, but that reaction means they'll probably remember it later.

And sometimes fast boot (I'm assuming we're both talking about the bios setting) causes so many blue screens in windows that it becomes almost unusable.

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