18 Post – 43 Comments
Joined 3 months ago

Many people are saying he's the weirdest. Tremendous amounts of people are saying it.

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The man is the tackiest person in history.

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“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”

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Trump is a weird, scared, old man. He belongs in the dementia ward of a nursing home, not on the campaign trail. If conservatives were capable of shame they’d realize how embarrassing nominating this doddering old weirdo for the Presidency truly is.

Edit: anyone trying to claim he’s not demented gets blocked. I have no patience for that bullshit.

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In a major win for the DOJ Boeing has agreed to a plea deal to avoid a criminal trial. As part of the deal Boeing agreed to a slap on the wrist after which they will be legally required to admit to being very naughty before they can resume committing crimes.

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Right? It’s almost as if they’ve never been approaching any of this in good faith.

Weird old racist goes on weird old racist rant when confronted by black journalists. This guy belongs in a nursing home, not the Oval Office. If conservatives were capable of shame, they'd see how embarrassing it is that this doddering old weirdo is their nominee.

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Agreed. I’m still pretty bummed out that Betty White died 17 days shy of her 100th birthday. Hang in there Jimmy, we all need this!

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Believe me, we'd love to. Corporate media would never tolerate it, though. There's too much money to be made, and in this country, corporate profits are sacrosanct.

Don’t worry folks, taking bribes from foreign nations is probably just one of those “official acts” the Supreme Court was talking about.

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Corporate media are doing everything they can to usher in a dictatorship that will see the end of freedom of the press. And if Trump wins in November, they will deserve it. The problem, of course, is they're going to drag all of us along with them.

Yeah, I watched his speech at the PA rally tonight and it was excellent. The dude's just a refreshing voice in national politics. I think he stands a great chance of delivering a lot of independents who are just looking for some common sense out of a politician.

Last time I checked, Americans can be black. Indian-American doesn’t inherently mean Indian/White.

Relevant joke from The Daily Show:


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Spicy pillows

The New Jersey Attorney General has decided on Friday not to renew two liquor licenses at former President Donald Trump's New Jersey golf clubs following his conviction on all 34 felony counts in his criminal hush money trial.

"The New Jersey Division of Alcoholic Beverage Control (ABC) has an obligation to maintain integrity in the alcoholic beverage industry in the state," said a spokesperson with the New Jersey Attorney General(NJAG).

There's nothing wrong with the headline and the subheadline does not walk anything back. The liquor licenses were not renewed, and a final hearing is scheduled for July. Turns out, the problem with journalism in the 2020s is that you just need to read the article. Go figure...

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along with other things.

See, that's the problem, you have to make up things to soften the statement that JD Vance was agreeing with. What the host, Eric Weinstein, said was “the whole purpose of the postmenopausal female,” is to help raise children. There was no concession that postmenopausal women serve any other function than raising grandchildren. Stop trying to make it seem reasonable.

Idk I expected it to be worse from this guy haha

Again, it's because you made up a reason to pretend what he was agreeing with was a reasonable position.

Dude, we get it, just go back to stormfront already…

Your account history is exactly what I expected it to be. Nothing but ableist slurs, racism, and weird nonsense. Now run along back to Reddit and r/conservative. Shoo.

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Corporations are people… except when those people need to go to jail.

Elon Musk: Your honor these mean jerks won’t pay to advertise in my nazi bar and it hurts my feels.

Oh Republicans will accept federal funds for all sorts of things. It’s just that they‘re morally opposed to helping children avoid starvation.

To expand on that, I think these are people looking to set themselves up for continued grifting in the post-Trump fascist movement. Being just critical enough “of the Trump campaign” now will allow them to say they jumped ship in August 2024 without actually committing to abandoning Trump until after the election. They want to be in a position to claim they were ahead of the curve due to their astute political acumen. But don’t want the short term fall out from actually doing it, nor the potential risk of being proven wrong in November.

It’s a transparent move, but it’ll be effective on the post-Trump MAGA base, as these are generally not bright people.


Also, why is the media prodominantly calling her Black, and not acknowledging her Indian heritage?

Because Trump did not deny her Indian heritage at this event. This is not a mystery, you shouldn't need the concept of "context" to be explained to you.

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I wanted to post this in !LeopardsAteMyFace@lemmy.world but that community appears to have been shut down a few months ago.

But anyway, I say good. Let them fight!

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I always forget Matthew Lillard is like 6’5” (195cm). I know he’s tall but damn they must have him standing in a trench or put his costars on boxes to level shots a bit because he’s towering over everyone in that pic and he’s not even standing up straight lol.

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I didn’t say it was, but it’s adjacent, and based on the vote % it seems like most people don’t have an issue with a meme about IT.

He’s old, it was his bedtime and instead we asked him to go to a debate. He did just fine, and there was nothing incoherent about it.

Seriously. Unlike Trump, who spent his entire Presidency ranting on Twitter all night and golfing all day... Biden probably goes to bed early both because he's old and because he spends his days actually doing his job. The debate performance was disappointing, I get it. But the media acting like he's being Weekend at Bernie's Dianne Feinstein'd around D.C. is ridiculous. It sucks that this is where we're at as a country... but "old guy" vs. "old guy who wants a fascist dictatorship" should not be a fucking struggle for voters.

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Yeah, Trump's too old and senile to be President. Weird too. Much too weird to be President.

It’s amusing how bad some people are at lying. Like, they have no ability to gauge what’s believable and what’s just an utterly ridiculous claim.

Like a little kid with ice cream all over their face insisting that their invisible friend ate it all back in the ‘80s

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This is awesome of him to do. And as an aside, Robert J. Sawyer’s Neaderthal Parallax trilogy is one of my favorite sci-fi trilogies ever. It’s about a team of Canadian physicists who accidentally open a portal to an earth in a parallel universe where Neanderthals became the dominant species on the planet. The series explores how their modern society may have evolved and how their technological and social development may have differed from our own. I highly recommend it for fans of hard sci-fi and alternative history.

Same thing happened earlier this year with Wendy’s new CEO. His brilliant plan to make a name for himself was rolling out dynamic pricing. After days of well deserved backlash Wendy’s had to come out and walk it back while insisting they had never planned to use this to do lunch/dinner surge pricing.

I have no trouble believing Joe Rogan's support for RFK Jr. is genuine, but sure, we can pretend he's just doing it to get attention for his humble little $250mil podcast. It's not like he's got a decade's long public history of being a stupid fucking meathead or anything...

Fall = time to shift into soup mode. So I agree, it's the best.

Nah, the problem is there's just nothing humorous about it. Not even Robin Williams could've made that bit work, and everybody loves him. (RIP)

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If you're upset that the American public discovered what you plan to do while in office and think it may harm your campaign, then you are a fascist. There is no gray area here.

If you don't understand that an article written on Friday, which refers to an event on "Sunday" without any additional qualifiers, is always going to be referring to the most recent Sunday and not the future... Then I don't know what to tell you, this isn't rocket science.

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I got it from The Daily Show's Instagram account. They put together screenshots and clips for a lot of their jokes. So if you're ever looking for something specific, it's worth checking there.

Correct. JD Vance said a thing on Sunday. The founder of the National Black Farmers Association responded. Mother Jones then wrote an article about it on Friday. This is a fairly standard sequence of events for the news. Except, of course, in that old tv show, Early Edition, about the guy who'd get tomorrow's newspaper today and then have to prevent some tragedy from happening in every episode.

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