Jimmy Carter Says He’s Hanging On to Vote for Kamala Harris

DxK@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 1244 points –
Jimmy Carter Says He’s Hanging On to Vote for Kamala Harris

How can one person be this good of a citizen!!?

Georgia boys are either sweetheart saints or hateful monsters, not a lot in between. Source: am Georgia boy

You fucking monster!!!

Naw I’m a sweetheart!

That's what all the monsters say

Well… you ain’t wrong

You know what? I know the struggle. I'm a country ass Texas boy who just wants equality for everyone.

You’re as rare a breed as myself sir, if we ever find a Mississippi equivalent we’ll really be in business! Egalitarianism is worth fighting for

With our good ol boy accents no one will be able to say no to us, and we'll use our powers only for good.

Dude I’m not in the south anymore and it’s kinda wild how far the accent takes you

Oh I know it. I've got the heavy drawl and I've taken it around the world with me. Depending on who I'm talking to I can crank it up and get by with some shit. I've also got that Texas preacher cadence when I need it. You know the one, you get really excited about something then drop it down to almost a whisper while smiling. It makes people lean in and pay attention. Think Kenneth Copeland but as an actual human instead of a devil in a skin suit and without religion at all.

It's definitely a trick for the snake oil salesman but I've seen it so much that I naturally fall into it if I'm presenting. And it fucking works with certain kinds of people.

I know exactly what you’re talking about, I absolutely crank it and pull it back in specific scenarios as called for, my lilt is more on the Andy Griffith/Matlock side of thing's but it’s wild how much more seriously folks take you when you really put it on

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He was actually a pretty good president too. Unfortunately the seeds of the cancer that is the current Republican party has been sown by the Nixon administration before he was elected and had begun to bear fruit when Reagan ran against him.

I like to say he was the best man ever to be President and that he had great policies, but that he was not an effective President.

He was too honest to play the game.

What does that say about our society? Can you imagine taking the same attitude as a scientist? Nothing would ever work because it relies on foundational truth and integrity. The reason lying in politics is acceptable is because the citizenry is allowing it through the ballot box. These idiots can't do science or politics but they have the same voting rights as everyone else.

Lying works because our schools don't teach critical thinking anymore. They are so obsessed with rote, bullshit memorization that there isn't any room or time left for critical thinking

Yeah, the Republican party had a strong progressive wing before Nixon. Lincoln, Teddy, and Eisenhower were all progressives by modern standards.

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orange man really got elderly people staying alive out of SPITE just to vote against him LMAO

“A society grows great when old men plant trees whose shade they know they shall never sit in.”

He also planted seeds in the ME that has allowed the US to always have an unstable relationship in the region

Ronald Reagan prolonged the Iran hostage crisis and then resolved it by selling weapons to Iran - which was illegal. Its a great tragedy that Ronald Reagan wasn't prosecuted for treason.

Carter gave birth to the Mujahideen, which became Taliban and Al-Qaeda

That's incorrect. Mojaheds were a group of Muslim-Socialist democratic parties. The only thing in common between them is using weapons.

Unless you call everybody US armed Mojaheds.

The creation of Israel, and the US aided Iranian coup of 1953 both happened a couple decades before Carter.

Those seeds were planted and had been growing for a while.

He planted the seeds that created the Mujahideen

They were chill. They may be the reason Pakistan and Taliban are weaker today than they could be, not stronger.

You’re my boy, BLUE!

All we gotta do is keep Jimmy away from the KY jelly wrestling pit with naked college girls and we're set

I'm sorry, there's a what? I'm trying to book a flight now...

I assume he's still registered in GA? We really need that vote.

Dude built half the state with his bare hands. He absolutely should get to vote there.

There's a reasonable chance he's been purged from the rolls.

If this man doesn't make it to 100 all is wrong in the world

Agreed. I’m still pretty bummed out that Betty White died 17 days shy of her 100th birthday. Hang in there Jimmy, we all need this!

Pretty sure she did it as a joke on purpose. You know there was a massive party planned and she was like "good luck suckers, I'm out!"

I don't know how much say she had in it but that's definitely her humor.

I don't know, my grandmother pretty much decided to let go, and she was gone, and she was supposedly in relatively good health. I could believe it.

Hey, Donny. Even though I'm yearning to join my wife, I'm in constant pain, and I'm past ready to die, I'm hanging on for 3 more months just to give you the middle finger.

Jimmy Carter would never give Trump the middle finger. He's too classy.

He's the sort of man who stands for something he believes in and leaves it at that. He was the Fred Rogers of politicians.

I can feel your loss. Losing your soulmate is devastating. My best advice I can give you is to seek help and talk, either a professional or a friend. Suicide should never be a solution and I‘m sure that your wife wouldn‘t want you to leave this earth when we don‘t know whats on the other side.

Edit: Also, we need you to kick Donnys or MAGAa ass again in four years

Edit2: Nvm, I misunderstoof the comment

I believe they are referencing that Jimmy Carter's wife died last year.

Please pass the message on to Jimmy, then.

Oups, I thought he was talking about himself in support of Jimmy.

Just a great person all around.

He should run again in 2028

I think he's waiting for 2028... which would really be pushing it for Jimmy, since a fascist dictatorship that no longer holds elections might be in charge.

If that's the case, I wish him the best of luck in 2032.

Hold on and make it to see her inaugurated and that way you'll have lived longer than Kissinger, Carter.

I know you can do it!

I've always said Jimmy would be prefarable to the current roaster of politicians, and I'm going to say it again.

It fucking sucks that both Carter and Bernie are so old and so ahead of their time. Give them 40 year old bodies and they'd be the future we need.

Give them perpetually 40 year old bodies and let them rule as two God-Emperors in repeating eight years cycles for each.

I’d love to see the people that downvoted this show some bravery and explain what about it is unworthy of just ignoring and moving on.

this would be such a good ending for carters run, hopefully he can kick around long enough to make it a reality.

Now, who do we nominate to be the next carter, we need another one....

He should throw his hand in the ring. He’ll outlive all of us 😄

The man beat cancer, can't believe he can't stick around until October 14th when early voting begins.

Serious question: would the vote not be tossed if he died before the actual election day?

Looks like Georgia is one of 28 states that don't really have an opinion on that. 9 states say count it, 12 say don't count it, 1 says only count it if active military.

But "As a practical matter, it is hard to retrieve ballots from people who have died between casting their votes and Election Day. Once the absentee ballot has been verified and removed from the envelope for counting, the ballot cannot be retraced to the voter.

Catching a ballot, then, is only possible when it is still in its return envelope, and only in cases where election officials have received notice of the death."


This makes me happy. Hopefully it'll encourage more people to help with his charity work too.

Jimmy Carter lives long enough to vote.
The next day:
Fox News "Kamala Harris killed Jimmy Carter!"

First we had dead people voting, and now we have FUTURE dead people voting? S M H!

Fox headline: "Zombie Votes Tainting Election! Are the Desperate Dems digging up votes?"

::: spoiler Daily Beast - News Source Context (Click to view Full Report) Information for Daily Beast:

MBFC: Left - Credibility: Medium - Factual Reporting: Mixed - United States of America
Wikipedia about this source

::: spoiler Search topics on Ground.News https://www.thedailybeast.com/jimmy-carter-says-hes-hanging-on-to-vote-for-kamala-harris-as-100th-birthday-nears ::: ~Media~ ~Bias~ ~Fact~ ~Check~ ~|~ ~bot~ ~support~

You broke the mark-up for me. It was fine before. Using Thunder on mobile

possibly something to report to the dev of that app then, it looks fine for me on Jerboa (image below)

Use a better app or open a bug report for your favorite.

Just the links at the bottom? I'll report it to Rookie, but they might have fixed it already... another user below shows Thunder working for them.

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