1 Post – 609 Comments
Joined 2 months ago
  • the answer is 1

  • it’s Firefox

  • Vivaldi is supporting for less than a year (June 2025 it stop) and edge is unclear but may support it simultaneously (at least for now). Brave has “partial support” which means it may as well not and they’ve left a “lot of wiggle room” to drop support in their statement.

If you want to keep using ublock origin, get Firefox. You should just get Firefox because it’s the best browser for privacy/not using chromium in general and it works well.

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Story time.

I filmed the Trump inauguration, in particular a team of us split up and covered the various groups participating in “Disrupt J20.”

Each of us followed a different “group” - someone hung with the LGBT focused protestors, another with indigenous peoples, etc. I hung out with…let’s say the tough and rowdy folks (I’m a white dude who had made a very convincing laminated press pass. My work was legitimate but we didn’t have formal credentials in time for this coverage so we sort of landed on a grey area tactic on that front). “Black bloc” is what they settled on for their own little banner of sorts. Lots of covered faces.

It was an exciting but generally not dangerous day. DC police are actually pretty good at de-escalating/handling situations that are escalating with a pretty firm but not power tripping response. I do not like giving any police credit, but I can tell you firsthand that they were not going to make the situation worse. At least not anything I saw. This is not an endorsement other than to say they clearly had experience and common sense from what we saw in the specific matter of handling massive organized protests. I only say this because I’ll always give credit where credit is due and more you’ll see later.

I filmed folks break windows of BofA, a trash can was thrown and lit on fire, it got rowdy but even so it sort of capped itself off. The group self regulated and it never got truly violent.

All of this is to say that there was one moment where I truly felt concerned for my life. NRA TV showed up. These guys were cosplaying like they were walking straight out of Kabul, it was insane. Then a bunch of MAGA-hat wearing folks came up to me while I was filming an interview encircled me. The interviewee was a black woman who clearly was becoming increasingly uncomfortable and pushed away out of the circle. Before I could step away, one of them grabbed my shoulder and screamed “fuck you fake news!” and pushed me. I immediately threw my hands up and said “do not fucking touch me I am a member of the press” and one of them shouted “you’ll get what you deserve race traitor.” At this point (callback to the top of this comment) a DC police officer started walking over and clearly looked concerned. He looked at me and I nodded and he moved a little faster. This is not bullshit, it happened.

I am relieved to say they all walked off quickly and left me alone after that. But it was the first time in my life I ever felt like my line of work was dangerous. After my first kid was born I stopped covering protests, I’m sad to say.

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Right wing Christian nationalist with 1.6 million followers says a gay dad should be publicly killed, all because his bigoted speculation is being asserted as facts. His crime? Being a dad who’s also gay.

“Some pervert homo has access to at least four kids around the clock all the time,” Peters said in a video posted to both Instagram and Rumble. “He can take them to drag conventions and then post the evidence, post pictures and videos of criminal sexual conduct … and somehow not end up in jail, or better yet, the gallows.”

But it’s “the violent radical left” that is causing domestic terrorism in the US.

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Typical conservative victim complex. They’re living in another reality where they think they’d be jailed for “thinking the wrong thing.”

I wish I could tell her: No, Rowling. You’re a bigot. Your punishment is social in nature. And as much as you pretend you don’t care or are so brave for bullying the trans community you’ll always know deep down that you’re just a disappointment to those you once inspired to be better.

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I went against my better judgment and checked out /r/conservative yesterday. In the 2 threads about his “Harris isn’t black” comments everyone is panicking and it makes me very, very happy.

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What are they going to do? Invade Ukraine?

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13% = ~4.2mill Americans think it’s fake and it is highly likely everyone reading this thread has met someone who believes it’s fake.

I swear to christ our #1 export in the US is tinfoil hats.

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Not a drag queen

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She isn’t on death’s door, she doesn’t want to jail people for pronouns, she supports a woman’s right to choose, the list goes on. The election is months away and it’s likely her vs trump.

Consider rolling up your sleeves and working on social and political causes to help see people and policies you like make it to the top. I have personally found it very fulfilling to volunteer at the local and state level in particular.

Love her or hate her, she is better than Trump in literally every way. The decision is obvious and complaining won’t put someone you like more on the ballot.

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but not the misuse of public content


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Definition of “enemy of my enemy” because they’re still delusional about this concept of “the good republican” as they harken back to the more buttoned up Romney approach, but whatever. Clearly they are getting under his skin and that’s a good thing

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It was valid until he started spouting off anti-vaccine/covid shit. It went little cutesy honesty to a shield from criticism. Just like how the right treats 1A

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Yup. Because her husband got a 1 month free trial of Disney+. This is real and absurd.

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It is wild how much conservatives attack these platforms and accuse them of silencing their voices while they continue to weaponize said platforms to nefarious ends.

  • Facebook? Right wing conspiracy farm (also marketplace which I hate to admit is pretty good).

  • Twitter? Right wing conspiracy spreader and platform for Christian nationalists.

  • Instagram? Corporate hellscape and some beach photos.

  • TikTok? So far has not shown a preference for right wing or left-wing content, but definitely has no reasonable content policing in place to stop misinformation from spreading wildly.

The list goes on. None of it good.

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He just wants the keys

This is somewhat of a mischaracterization of how this all shakes out/is taught/is perceived even though I get why it seems that way.

No one tells people “sacrifice the company for short term gains.” That’s not actually what people are taught. The problem is we have a misaligned incentive system that rewards that behavior more than it punishes it and little to no incentive to play the long game other than “make sure it doesn’t completely crumble under your watch.” So eventually people think they know what good leadership looks like (rapid expansion/rapid cost cutting/fat and happy shareholders with a C-suite reaping fat stacks as a result). All while they play hot potato with a company that is being redlined which may or may not be able to take the strain.

The issue is longterm plays/considerations are disincentivized rather than straight up demonized. Since MBA programs are ultimately going to teach you what businesses want and what keeps investors happy, it feeds into this perverse incentive structure.

Edit: there are obviously exceptions to this rule, but we’re talking broadly about publicly traded companies/companies answering to a group of investors

Edit 2: yea I did a second one sorry, just had a thought that feels pretty relevant. If anybody here has seen Silicon Valley then you know that the show sprinkles in some pretty serious realities once in a while. I always think back to when “Action” Jack Barker becomes CEO of Pied Piper and is fighting with Richard. Jack is MISTER MBA CEO ELITE in a nutshell. He’s the guy to run a unicorn company. At one point Jack asked him “do you know what our product is?“ And when Richard starts explaining the technology/platform he wants to build, Jack says “it is not your platform, it is not the box, it is Pied Piper stock. That is our product.“ [Sic.] When you view your decisions through that lens at all times, eventually you’re going to run into issues with the long-term health of your company. Stocks do not represent the long term health of your company. They are a complicated snap shot of that particular moment consisting of yes some data/numbers, but also “vibes” and more.

I really hope this is another Fox vs dominion situation where Elon gets a decent kick to the teeth

You’re missing the point. He did those things and isn’t a complete and utter tool as a result. They aren’t his identity or opportunities to “be manly.” They were acts of service.

Think of it this way: if someone wanted you to meet their 60 year white American man friend who served 2 decades in the military and coached high school football, would your immediate assumption be you’re about to meet someone like Walz? Most of us have a lot of bad assumptions about that person out the gate before meeting them.

Then it turns out they actually have a pretty progressive record as a governor. Look at his record, not the stereotypes of where he came from. That’s the point.

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He’s not politicizing it. Republicans are choosing as a bloc to weaponize the courts and oppose accountability. They drew a line in the sand as they did this.

This is the same shit that happened with masks during Covid. Liberals didn’t wear masks “to own conservatives.” People were supposed to wear them to help increase safety and Republicans made it a part of their political identity to reject them. Same thing with standing for the anthem. And the courts. The list the goes on.

They forgot that this is exactly how he operated in 2016. My amateur theory is that he decided the safe and respectable route is what cost him 2020 and is going to cost him 2024, so he’s going back to what he believes ultimately made him win.

Meanwhile the Republicans are looking at the last eight years of near nonstop national defeats but don’t have a way of dealing with this bull in their party-equivalent of a China shop

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Lately I was surprised to learn that a lot of people mention the kiss in ANH but forget they made out passionately in ESB. Well it’s mostly Leia sucking Luke’s face off to spite Han but Luke sure isn’t objecting.

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These leaders all make the same promise:

Whatever is wrong in your life is not your fault, nor is it even the fault of random chance/fate/god/what have you. It not no one’s fault either. There is a clear, definable enemy called X. X is the problem, and if we just deal with X, then you will have the life you dream of. I will make sure X never hurts you again.

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Must be some novel DDoS because it somehow only took down their stream while the rest of the site worked. Musk is so genius someone invented a new hack that only snipes one specific live stream!

  • he refuses to call her Harris

  • he refuses to pronounce or spell her first name correctly

I don’t care if he calls her a bitch or not. Disrespect is disrespect.

The problem being that was basically all media lol

They did a wellness check and lied over the phone saying he was fine when he’d been dead for two days. what the fuck is going on in Texas?

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Option 2 also tried to overthrow our government as his fanatics chanted their intention to hang his vice president.

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Uhhh couple of y’all are using the phrase “separate but equal” way out of context.

That was the key phrase for Plessy v. Ferguson aka the basis for the formal establishment of segregation in the US.

“Separation of powers” and “checks and balances” are the guiding principles for our 3 branches.

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Give me a fucking break. They brought some snacks for their kids and the theater called the cops. Just saying “it wasn’t handled properly” is an absurd understatement. That was irresponsible and shitty. Did you even read the article? Look how the staff acted. That was a deranged thing to say to a kid. They literally laughed and said the cops might kill their mom. All because after putting the food away a little kid finished a single skittle in his hand.

They didn’t see adults lighting up a crack pipe. It was snacks for kids at a kids movie. This wasn’t just an overreaction/handled poorly, it was a sociopathic reaction.

“But this is how they make money” isn’t remotely enough to excuse this behavior. That only explains why you can’t bring snacks. Not the wild shit I just read.

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I have never seen a candidate for any office have to spend so much time dealing with one offhand insult. It’s truly a testament to how bad he is at damage control. He doesn’t just gaff, they layer on top of each other.

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It actually doesn’t explain anything. Sad reality is she is just a nasty, hateful person. Looking for external explanations is a disservice to acknowledging how prevalent bigotry is.

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It’s always a “joke” or his words were “twisted.”

After 9 years of this you’d think he and his team could learn to be careful with their words. But a klansman can’t change his robes.

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It doesn’t matter. Vance stood up in front of an audience and Fox “journalists” then straight faced claimed that Harris opposed the Child Tax Credit, a key success story of the Biden/Harris administration. No one said a word, no one cared. The only truth moving forward is she opposed it, facts be damned.

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I am always very cautious about leaning on the “youth vote“ too much because as much as we can rightfully blame the Democrats for putting their thumb on the scale against Bernie, he also thought the youth vote was going to save his ass and they simply did not show up in the numbers people expected, not by a large margin. Especially in 2020.

Also people tend to think Gen Z should save us from our mistakes when only about 75% of them are even age-eligible to vote this election. If was less than half in 2020 IIRC. Millennials and Gen X need to grab the reins and invite Gen Z along.

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Florida: Where Woke Goes to Die Be Upheld Because It’s Just Basic Rights

I’m not saying the game is worth $45 but I am also struggling to square how someone can have over 1000 hours across two machines in a game and say it’s not worth $45 lol

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Well now she’s going to have to explicitly express non-support for him/make sure people know it’s fake. Whoops.

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Article I saw yesterday says Walz left at 41 and a year before his unit was deployed. Maybe I’m ignorant of how the military operates but a year? It seems like he likely wouldn’t have known it was coming.

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NC is particularly interesting due to the governor’s race as well. GOP is at risk of a significant loss here

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