This gay dad was called a 'pervert homo' by a right-wing talk show host. Now, he's suing

jeffw@lemmy.worldmod to – 534 points –
This gay dad was called a 'pervert homo' by a right-wing talk show host. Now, he's suing (exclusive)

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Right wing Christian nationalist with 1.6 million followers says a gay dad should be publicly killed, all because his bigoted speculation is being asserted as facts. His crime? Being a dad who’s also gay.

“Some pervert homo has access to at least four kids around the clock all the time,” Peters said in a video posted to both Instagram and Rumble. “He can take them to drag conventions and then post the evidence, post pictures and videos of criminal sexual conduct … and somehow not end up in jail, or better yet, the gallows.”

But it’s “the violent radical left” that is causing domestic terrorism in the US.

Seems pretty weird to me.

Sounds weirdly like projection, or maybe the bigot is just jealous about a father's "access to at least 4 kids around the clock" - which is a super weird take, and likely a confession.

has access to at least four kids

Otherwise known as being a parent. I dread to think why this persons mind went here and what they would do with access to children. Projection all the time with these freaks.

He can take them to drag conventions and then post the evidence, post pictures and videos of criminal sexual conduct … and somehow not end up in jail, or better yet, the gallows.

Because, Stupid Peters, those things are not against the law.

I know, I know, you conservatives have a real hard time with that concept.

I mean, taking a kid to a drag show is illegal in TN, right now. The GOP is actively working to make these things illegal.

Does the law say "drag show" or does it say something like "performance of a sexual nature" which the GOP is intentionally conflating with drag shows?

Do people actually take their kids to drag shows or is that just a right wing talking point? I'm not really sure what kids would get out of it, aren't those aimed at adults?

I've never seen a kid at an adult-oriented drag show, fortunately, but I've seen Pride events occasionally offering a kid-friendly show, and there's the drag story hours that are a perennial conservative lightning rod. Drag queens are good at interacting with crowds and they're generally really colorful - they're probably quite entertaining during story hour.

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