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13% = ~4.2mill Americans think it’s fake and it is highly likely everyone reading this thread has met someone who believes it’s fake.

I swear to christ our #1 export in the US is tinfoil hats.

I thought it was racism

Its racists in tinfoil hats.

For some reason I just had a flash of the scene from Rick and Morty where the president goes “You're only Vice President because I need 10% of the white vote” lmao I don’t know why

England seems to have you guys beat if the past couple of days are anything to go by.

I know someone working in a pharmaceutical lab that believed climate change was fake because the atmosphere on Mars was mostly CO2 and it wasn't hot there.

God save us from the kakistocracy.

Yes... use the desolated planet thats straight out of mad max universe as evidence against cilmate change...


You'd be surprised how conspiratorial scientists are - especially if it's outside their domain.

You'd think more deference to experts would be the default mode.... just because I took one physics class does not make me an expert on climatology or the green house effect

Well, someone who believes it was faked is crediting his side with that 13%. You're gonna trust the numbers of someone who thinks the moon landing was faked?

Couldnt he percentage just be false?

Also, where did you get the 4.2 million US citizens from? Im pretty sure 13% is much higher

I’m an idiot. I put it as .013 because my brain clocked it at a far more reasonable rate.

It’s actually 42,900,000 which is way worse 🫠

did you know that 74% of statistics are made up on the spot?

Iirc that's also the percentage of Americans who are functionally illiterate

Looked it up, it's worse.

I think it doesn't actually matter whether it happened, but whether the technology to do it existed at that time. And they surely did.

To build on this: The technology to fake it didn't exist back then.