J.D. Vance’s ‘stolen valor’ claim against Tim Walz is total B.S.

MicroWave@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 370 points –
J.D. Vance's 'Stolen Valor' Claim Against Tim Walz Is Total B.S.

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Article I saw yesterday says Walz left at 41 and a year before his unit was deployed. Maybe I’m ignorant of how the military operates but a year? It seems like he likely wouldn’t have known it was coming.

Yeah, but he had a DUI once and I DO NOT VOTE FOR CRIMINALS. So, I have to vote for Trump.

Yeah, misdemeanor has more letters than felony so it just be worse!

Even if he had suspicions, he'd been in service for 24 years, which is huge.

If I worked for someone for 24 years and they looked like they wanted to go fight overseas, I'd absolutely consider retirement as well.

Service to your country isn't accomplished exclusively by going overseas to shoot people.

Republicans are literally speed running a 100% completed anti-christ identity. Not even in the specific 'end of days antichrist', but like literally, specifically, the complete opposite of absolutely everything their Christian deity Jesus stood for.

The deployment was announced months after he put in for retirement.

Do you have a source? This seems pretty fair to assume either way but I will inevitably need to argue with family about this and i like to keep my positions airtight lol

Yes. The Minnesota National Guard is the source of this information.

Did they make an official statement or something? Is there somewhere I can look up the deployment/claim? Again I take this as very likely true at face value. It makes sense and enough people have said it at this point that it seems like it’s likely the case. But I just like to always double check these things for myself. This is not skepticism it’s just a good personal policy.

Funny, because with a fraction of typing and effort that you put into the previous two of your comments, you could’ve just googled that, and you would’ve gotten your answer.

That being the case, you obviously aren’t interested in knowing the answer to that question, you’re just here to troll.

I wasn’t trolling and I did try to look it up confirming it but between google turning to shit and the pile of articles about this over the last 2 days it’s been difficult. So if you have one please share it because I genuinely want to see one before i repeat it as fact. I don’t understand why this is so controversial.

You’re complaining that I’ve been commenting about this instead of looking it up and saying that it would’ve been easier, but you are engaging in the exact same behavior. So why don’t you just share it with me at this point? Why are we fighting over this?

This “troll” is sharing a source with you someone else was able to find. Enjoy. As I suspected and said several times, looks legit. Walz didn’t do anything wrong or weird.