Fox News' Anti-Tim Walz Supercut Sure Makes Him Look Good to politics – 595 points –
Fox News' Anti-Tim Walz Supercut Sure Makes Him Look Good

Of course they are pissed. He said he fucked up, acknowledging mistakes is the antithesis of being part of the GOP.

This will be complicated when they start seeing Tim Walz in the mirror every day. He looks like a lot of Trumpers.

I remember when John Bolton was in the news it made my dad dye his mustache because he couldn't stand looking like the guy.

Your dad has a silly moustache.

He's a pretty silly guy. It's one of the things I love most about him

Just let us know if he starts advocating for invading sovereign nations under false pretenses.

Waiting for the moment bald trumpers start growing their own hair to look less like Walz.

In the end this won't matter because Fox viewers are not going to listen to anything that's being said beyond superficial positive/negative framing. So since the anchor said he is bad they'll think he's bad.

Objectively though yes, the video is funny and Walz does come out looking good and not bad despite it being a "hit piece".

If that's what Fox News is going to roll out as a hit piece, Tim Walz is unassailable.

I think it's very telling that through his tenure in office here in Minnesota, the local QGOP's best attack against him is that he spends money (on good things) and his tax policy produced a surplus (because he fixed the deficit).

He is a vet, a devoted family man, and an avid fisherman and hunter.

He's exactly what they fear most. A blue collar progressive.

So he's not unassailable. You can attack his policies. But the problem is, they're fairly popular and have made Minnesota safer and more prosperous than all our red and purple neighbors.

I will add that the local media in MN has cast Minneapolis/STPL downtowns as a horrifying, unsafe, ruinous hellscape following the riots that followed the murder of George Floyd. This has in the last year or so become less impactful as rural folk have started coming to the city again for sports games, etc. But that is another attack vector I've seen them get some mileage out of.

Of course they'll hate him no matter what for being a Democrat. But if the best they can do is a "hit piece" that could only cause him to gain support, not lose any, they shouldn't be doing them at all.

A politician who can admit when he's done something wrong? No wonder fox hates him.

Harris did well to choose him. This ticket has me hopeful for a November win. And the subsequent humiliation of the traitor and felon.

Yeah, I watched his speech at the PA rally tonight and it was excellent. The dude's just a refreshing voice in national politics. I think he stands a great chance of delivering a lot of independents who are just looking for some common sense out of a politician.

The way she reports his actions is ridiculous. She can make anything sound like it's bad.


He likes to EAT with UTENSILS‽

Here's a clip of him admitting he couldn't even TELL THE WEATHER:

My wife asked me if she needed an umbrella. I looked out of the window and didn't see rain, so I said, "It doesn't look like it's raining right now." When she opened the door, she saw that I was wrong and it was raining, so she had to turn to get the umbrella next to the door. This cost her 2 seconds she would have spent anyway, and now I know that I can't tell if it's raining through the screen on the window.

Can we TRUST someone like that?? 🤨


I'm surprised she didn't point out the bill for free school lunches he signed into law.

I mean, how dare he feed these freeloaders.

Put em in the coal mines!

I love how Republicans always have American flags as props everywhere in the background while the free lunch signing doesn't have any. It's like they're always trying to assure you everything they're doing is patriotic even if it seems evil.

She looks like she's planning to kill and eat the children.

If we let all poor people starve to death, we dont have a problem with poor people anymore. And homelessness solves itself. Winning all around.

But then how can they be exploited for cheap/free labor so that the uberrich can afford their fourth mega yacht?

If they wouldn't be too lazy to work and pull themselves up by their bootstraps, work 3 to 5 full time jobs, they wouldn't have to starve.


Need at least some of them to starve to death, as a warning to the others so that they'll work harder

Is this what you want your tax money going to? Since billionaires and corporations have had their taxes all but eliminated by our party you're the one paying for guaranteed lunches to children of parents laid off so a company has a better bottom line on their earnings and stock reports lazy freeloading libruls whose jobs were taken away by illegal immigrants hired by red-voting business owners

And these imbeciles are always surprised when someone says "Yes, this is exactly what I want my tax money to go to."

Meals for children, schools, infrastructure, public transport, community centers and outreach. Not bailouts and subsidies for rich companies. That's what I want.

I can't wait for the next hit piece about him finding a motherless bear cub around Goshen, NY, and responsibly contacting the local wildlife rescue organization to intervene.

He didn't even want to kill it and dump it in central park with a bicycle!

People find DEI scary because they’re worried that someone who’s incompetent or unqualified will get preference for something just based on skin color. But have you seen who anti-DEI people are picking as representatives or prefer as talking heads? People like Boebert or Greene, and any number of Trump admin officials. These people seem like they’re picked based on DEI for uneducated or unqualified conservatives. So far people of color being accused of being DEI hires have more tangible qualifications and accomplishments than the people criticizing them

For gender affirming care wrt minors, people find it scary because they worry it’s going to ruin their child’s life because maybe their child is doing it under peer pressure etc. Well all the peer pressure in the world didn’t make gay people go away or be less gay, and it’s not going to change anything for trans people either. If you can give some kind of treatment to cis minors then it’s not bad or scary or unhealthy to give it to trans minors

For “socialism” as a criticism. What a bunch of red scare nonsense. The Nordic countries are consistently rated as the best places to live and have high happiness scores. These countries are “socialist” by US standards. People need to educate themselves or they’ll keep creating a world where their children are constantly victimized by greed based profit incentives, and blame everything but their own choices for those outcomes.

The DEI stuff is just projection. They know that currently the system is set up where there is an automatic bias towards white people. They like that. They are afraid that if we give any minority group the opportunity, they would do the same.

They simply can't imagine a world with equity. If they cheat, everyone else must be cheating harder.

I'd bet good money they hate DEI because somewhere somewhen a minority or [gasp] female was hired/promoted over them despite the other person likely being more qualified...and they've been blaming it ever since

Most truly believe that it's a quota and they'll have to hire whoever applies that's not white regardless. BUT many also don't see how they could be more qualified... So a bit more racist than just bias.

maybe their child is doing it under peer pressure

It's really hard for me to imagine somebody surgically transitioning to the opposite gender because of peer pressure. Peer pressure must be an insanely powerful force in conservatives' lives if they think something like that is even remotely possible.

Tim Walz might be the kind of guy my dad will listen to. Here's hoping some families are restored from this insanity.

If Fox says he’s bad, then the maga cult will accept he is bad. No questions asked.

Brain will feel a little funnier than normal though

Keep saying stuff your hardcore republicans love while Kamala gets the votes from people on the fence who has no stomach for your extremism

Anyone have a live link to the video?

How dare he Checks notes hold himself accountable and recognize his mistake?!?

Liz Skalka's glasses are the most distracting thing I've seen on someone's face, and I've interacted with people with penises drawn on their face while they slept.