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Joined 12 months ago

I tried Fedora KDE spin first but it didn't work out for me. IDK if it was my hardware configuration it didn't like but the first time I booted it, it spammed me with crash reports. I poked around it for a few minutes, not being able to go far without things crashing again and again. I installed the updates and rebooted it hoping it would fix it but it got much worse after that. I couldn't do anything else as it immediately crashed at startup. I couldn't be bothered to look any further into it and switched to OpenSUSE which has been rock solid for months and still going. I'm running Plasma 6.1 with Wayland on it with no issues as well and I know Plasma 6.2 is coming soon. It uses pipewire as default as well. To be honest, IDK what Fedora would do better for my uses, except maybe for a faster package manager.

I'm certain that my Fedora experience isn't typical but for me at least it was a disaster.

Microsoft, stop. My computer can only be so switched to Linux.

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My machine cannot run 11 because of the arbitrary hardware requirements so I was looking down the barrel of Win10 being no longer supported next year.

I proactively installed Linux Mint on a second SSD I had kicking around just to see if I could live with it without making any commitments. I never looked back since then. I switched to OpenSUSE soon after though but that was because I wanted something that ran the KDE Plasma 6 desktop environment because I didn't like how Cinnamon was handling multiple monitors. But I haven't booted up my Windows 10 drive since then, other than to migrate some files I needed.

I didn’t wait. I did it earlier this year and haven’t booted from my Windows 10 drive since then. My entry drug was Linux Mint. But I quickly switched to OpenSUSE Tumbleweed after because I wanted something that ran the KDE Plasma 6 desktop environment (I prefer how it looks and handles multiple displays). It isn’t that hard to learn the basics you need to use Linux, as long as you use a decently stable distro that you won’t need to troubleshoot at every update. In my limited experience, you only need more in depth knowledge when you try messing around with more "cutting edge" and less "stable" distros and are installing experimental features.

I can’t believe that Microsoft is expecting everyone to get rid of their computer to switch to 11 once the support for 10 expires next year. I even revived an 15 year old laptop that only had 4Gb or RAM by installing Mint on it (and switching its HDD with an SSD I had kicking around). It’s fast and perfectly usable for everything but modern games now

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I had a win 10 VM set up and it "booted" faster than my regular win 10 drive. I then switched to a win 10 LTSC VM and it "booted" a solid 10 seconds quicker on top of that.

The North Koreans are perfect for the Russian tactic of forcing the Ukrainians to deplete their ammo by throwing meat at them.

Another easy solution for Photoshop is to run a virtual machine.

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Let me fill in for them then: "We CoUlDn'T PoSsIbLy pReDiCt ThAt tHiS wAs GoInG tO hApPeN!"

That's the usual typical Corporate bad faith answer to whenever a serious consequence that everyone could see coming but they kept ignoring finally happens.

I've seen this movie before. They will make it enabled by default and make it difficult to disable. Then a few years later someone will figure out that this data that was supposed to be "private and encrypted" was being sent out to Microsoft, who will get a slap on the wrist, half assedly apologize and immediately move on to even more anti consumer ways to squeeze more income out of its users for "growth".

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And that the "increased community engagement" isn't mainly comments of people complaining about being tricked into clicking on an ad.

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According to the article they might be doing this to further discourage people from bypassing the hardware restrictions for installing Windows 11.

Don't worry Microsoft. I am fully deterred from ever installing Windows 11 on any of my current or future computers already.

They wouldn't be acting like this if they weren't convinced that they are in a monopolistic situation that is strong enough to let them get away with it. They don't seem to realize how user friendly and approachable some Linux distros have become, or at least are making the bet that most of their users won't discover it. I hope this anti consumer attitude pushes more and more people into giving Linux a try, like it did for me.

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I personally experienced breathing nitrogen until loss of consciousness under controlled and supervised conditions for training purposes with the RCAF. I was in a room with seven other people who were all doing the same thing as well as instructors who were in here with us for safety.

The point of the exercise was to sit in a room with a mask on, recognize the symptoms of hypoxia when we experienced them and throw a lever that would resume normal air breathing once we had enough. We were given tablets with simple games to play to simulate having our minds occupied on accomplishing some tasks. We knew they were going to switch or air supplies with pure nitrogen at some point to cause hypoxia but we didn't know when it was going to happen. The room was also a hypobaric chamber but it didn't stimulate a high enough altitude to induce hypoxia by itself, it was only there to simulate the environmental signs of decompression ( fogging of the air, percieved drop in pressure, cooling sensation, etc)

We sat there for a few minutes accomplishing the tasks on the tablets (basically paying candy crush) with nothing special going on. Then I noticed that we all started breathing deeper and harder. When I looked around people were also red in the face but strangely did not feel any discomfort from it and some people were even still playing on their tablets without noticing. Some of them threw their personal lever immediately because the point of the exercise was to recognize the signs of hypoxia. But others including my competitive ass wanted to see how far I could take it and if I could outlast others so we kept going.

My breathing naturally got deeper and harder but strangely I wasn't feeling like I was suffocating. I started feeling pins and needles in my extremities. Concentrating on the tasks in the tablet became increasingly difficult and slower. A few moments later I got tunnel vision and my hearing started to sound muffled. These two effects progressively got worse until I could almost not see or hear anything anymore at which point I finally threw the lever just before passing out due to a phenomenon called oxygen paradox where when oxygen supply is resumed the hypoxia symptoms briefly get worse before going away. I didn't even notice passing out. I woke up a few moments later and from my perspective it seemed that time had skipped forward a minute. Had I not thrown the lever and there were no instructors to do it for me I would have died a few moments later.

All of this took less than 5 minutes and I never experienced anything worse than mild discomfort throughout. I don't know how they managed to make it last 25 minutes other than maybe the brain stem running on fumes and keeping the heart beating but there is no consciousness at that point. If I ever had to pick a way to be executed this would be it, provided that it is done correctly.

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There should be a legal requirement to call a targeted advertisement a targeted advertisement. Being allowed to call them "recommendations" only makes these assholes feel emboldened to push ads where people wouldn't normally accept them. Microsoft is pulling that dirty trick as well.

Brazenly forcing anti-consumer features like this is an obvious sign of monopoly and abuse of their dominating position on the market. They should have been broken up a long time ago along with all the other big tech companies who have been pulling this sort of crap.

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If only politicians were held up to the same standards when it came to being in positions of conflict of interest.

I'm reading between the lines: "Russia is broke"

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The problem isn't the NSA being able to buy the data without warrant. The problem is companies being allowed to collect and sell that data to begin with.

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Microsoft needs to be broken up.

Any company that can be so blatantly anti consumer and still makes boatloads of money is obviously abusing its dominant position on the market.

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For a moment I thought he would have expressed concern about the effects of such a battery on the fragile ecosystem and the endangered species in it. But no, all he did is combine his ignorance about electricity and sharks to formulate this moronic thought.

He mentioned his "relationship with MIT" as well just before spewing out that gem. Was that really him trying to sound smart?

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These little guys can chew their way through a crab's shell. Don't put your fingers near the business end.

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I remember Google forcing a Google + down the throats of everyone who had a Google-related account such as a YouTube account. Then they started boasting about the record growth of their social media platform. I immediately knew that this was only a tactic to please their investors.

Years later they finally caught on with what as going on when someone published the usage data revealing that most of the traffic on Google+ didn't spend more than 5 seconds on the site. This meant that most of their "usage" was people who accidentally clicked on the wrong link or immediately left the moment they saw whatever they were interested in was on Google+

Reddit is doing the same thing by not deleting bot accounts to make it sound like the activity on the site is much greater than it actually is.

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Air forces around the world use nitrogen inhalation to simulate the effects of hypoxia caused by high altitude decompression for training.

From that we know for a fact that it is absolutely painless all the way to loss of consciousness.

We also know that it is perfectly safe to have people in the same room who do not participate in the exercise.

And we also know that you don't need a perfectly fitting mask if the had mixture is supplied in it at positive pressure.

The author is reaching at straws for arguments so he makes them up. He's imagining possible problems or downsides and calls them as immediately disqualifying without ever bothering to look for their validity or solutions.

I'm against capital punishment. But if it has to be done this seems to be the least cruel method to do it by far.

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It also suggests that Reddit has been sitting on this data showing signs of foreign interference and just didn't care to do anything about it.

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Only fined? Whoever made that requirement is going to continue causing damage. This person should be banned from any management position or position where they have power over other people.

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Just another sign that Russia is going broke.

He's trying to have Elon Musk endorse him instead of Kennedy because he knows he needs every single billionaire bootlicking and/or conspiracy theorist voter he can get.

He knows Musk is still pissed at Biden for snubbing him.

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This has the same energy as:

  • "Who are you?"
  • "Who? Who is but the form following the function of what and what I am is a man in a mask."
  • "Well I can see that."
  • "Of course you can, I’m not questioning your powers of observation, I’m merely remarking upon the paradox of asking a masked man who he is."
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I remember when it happened. Back then we were concerned about how Microsoft was pushing Internet Explorer as a browser on its platform. And then we just gave up on enforcing Antitrust laws let them do whatever they want along with the rest of big tech. Since then they've been doing so much worse than that.

You can blame lobbying for that.

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I'm not even going to install Windows 11

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Googling something and being able to find answers to your questions that you can actually trust instead of being fed a mixture of AI generated articles giving garbage information, ads disguised as articles and pages blatantly trying to sell you something.

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Do it. Earlier this year I was exactly at the point you are now, coming from using Microsoft since MS DOS days. I'm glad I did the switch and haven't looked back since. It was far easier than I thought it would be. If you know how to uninstall Microsoft bloat you can easily learn to use Linux.

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....After the plane has been stuck on the tarmac for five hours in sweltering heat with no air conditioning for the passengers held trapped inside the plane. The conditions onboard had become downright dangerous to human life. Other passengers even defended his actions afterwards.

Using misleading out of context titles like that in journalism should result in a hefty fine.

3 words: I am drunk

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That's how insecure people coped back then. Lifted pickup trucks didn't exist yet.

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I switched to it a year ago and I like it. The biggest draw for me is it gives me back control and ownership over my phone. It gives you actual and thorough control over what apps can do on your phone including Google's apps, which on other typical Android OS are being given all or most permissions with no ability for you to deny access to any of them.

To gain almost all the functionality of a regular Android OS you can install Google Play Services and run it sandboxed, which means it will only do what you allow it to do and access only what you will allow it to access, which for me is the bare minimum before things stop working too much for my tastes.

Besides Android auto for now, the only thing that won't work for me on it is my banking app, probably because of all the security checks involved in it. But I just use the browser-based online service to do my banking operations instead.

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Trump says whatever he feels that at the moment would get a positive reaction from the audience at the time with zero regards to consistency or truth.

At the moment of saying that, he wanted to gain Musk's support.

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I'm sitting in the toilet right now so that would make things awkward.

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Fox News: "Bilionaires should pay their fair share"


He won't. His goal at that point is to avoid the consequences of his actions and abusing presidential powers is the best chance he has for that.

If you think that the last election was a mess, wait to see the next one. Trump has nothing to lose anymore and will reach new lows in hopes to save his own selfish ass. He has demonstrated again and again already that he lacks the moral capacity to do otherwise.

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Just deleted my Reddit account. I haven't used it in over a year now anyway. I was waiting for something like this to make a statement.

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