Trump Said to Be Weighing White House Advisory Role for Elon Musk to Not The – 276 points –
Trump Said to Be Weighing White House Advisory Role for Elon Musk

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He's trying to have Elon Musk endorse him instead of Kennedy because he knows he needs every single billionaire bootlicking and/or conspiracy theorist voter he can get.

He knows Musk is still pissed at Biden for snubbing him.

Trump said he would ban ev sales so idk

Trump says whatever he feels that at the moment would get a positive reaction from the audience at the time with zero regards to consistency or truth.

At the moment of saying that, he wanted to gain Musk's support.

Musk is pretty much fucking Tesla into failure at this point, so he’d just have a convenient excuse for its fairies if the sentient cowlick banned EVs.

Edit: that was supposed to be failure, is it just me, or it’s autocorrect getting worse?

a convenient excuse for its fairies

No, no... Tesla's have gremlins, not fairies

They warned you not to charge them after dark.