Trump Said to Be Weighing White House Advisory Role for Elon Musk to Not The – 276 points –
Trump Said to Be Weighing White House Advisory Role for Elon Musk


This photo doesn't even look real lol, Elon looks like he's photoshopped in

That can’t be real

It’s real, July 12 2022 on truth social. I would post the link but I don’t want to give that site more traffic. Here’s a screenshot.

Post the link to the mirror obvi

Good call, didn’t cross my mind for some reason. Will do that in the future, thanks!

Just post the fucking link why u afraid to give them traffic.

Holy fuck he really wants people to suck umm up to him. What is it, he really needs to feel powerfull?

Making Musk stand while he sits was the entire point of the photo.

Lmao I wonder how he reacted to seeing this.

He's trying to have Elon Musk endorse him instead of Kennedy because he knows he needs every single billionaire bootlicking and/or conspiracy theorist voter he can get.

He knows Musk is still pissed at Biden for snubbing him.

Trump said he would ban ev sales so idk

Trump says whatever he feels that at the moment would get a positive reaction from the audience at the time with zero regards to consistency or truth.

At the moment of saying that, he wanted to gain Musk's support.

Musk is pretty much fucking Tesla into failure at this point, so he’d just have a convenient excuse for its fairies if the sentient cowlick banned EVs.

Edit: that was supposed to be failure, is it just me, or it’s autocorrect getting worse?

a convenient excuse for its fairies

No, no... Tesla's have gremlins, not fairies

They warned you not to charge them after dark.


He just licenses an engine from GM, then put that into the Teslas. Maybe even rename the company to Otto.

I mean, I really wanna hear musks opinion on this…..

Because trump has promised to kill electric vehicle sales……so like, musk is going to support that?

Trump would probably just say he only meant Chinese electric cars or something.

No, it just means that Elon gets a big government paycheck due to the government forcing him to close his 10 Trillion dollar business (Trump math)

He's made several statements that Tesla is a AI company. So after the mocking he got for the Cybertruck he maybe he want to pivot Tesla into... I dunno making Grok sound like more of a smug douchebag or something? I mean it's fairly common knowledge that he's on a lot of drugs, so who knows what he's thinking?

How in the hell do I get off this timeline? Can someone find Prof. Maximilian Arturo and Quinn Mallory please?!

Hey, maybe the next leap will be the leap home?

Can't leave until we fix this one. Quantum Leap rules.

I've been rewatching quantum leap lately and it has me wondering what would happen if Sam failed to save the day. His missions were time sensitive, so once a given event would have passed without Sam fixing it, would he have been stuck in that place and time forever?

If so, would his lifespan be his age/body or that of the person he leaped into?

I think we can all agree that what the world really needs right now is more utter fuckwits in charge of everything.

seems like that dystopia ain't done fleshing itself out just yet

He was his advisor in the first term. But he did quit, I guess the orange fuck was too much even for this asshole.

It's not that, it's more that two raging narcissists can't occupy the same space at the same time.

You end up with a kind of NPD supercriticality.

I would resubscribe to netflix to watch a show where the two of them try to solve problems together.

Once he lets these shit bags in it will take a revolution to get them out. Remember that when you go vote. With Democrats we can kick them out because they’re weak shit bags. But the rule now is to never allow republicans back in the room ever again. Let their cults die.

He's just trying to grow his base. I think if you were looking to Musk for your guiding light on voting, you were probably already voting Trump.

Yup, he's already been working around the clock to make an even more scummier administration. I think he even wanted Vince McMahon involved too. Just more cushy jobs for people he finds friend in, through his fractured world perspective.

Vice President McMahon adds new context to his ring entrance

Fun fact: If the government would at least at minimum do something as mundane as locking up the rapists, we wouldn't have to talk about Trump-McMahon 2024.

headline legit made me do a spit take. wtf.

If you ever needed more evidence that Mush is dumber than shit, here it is. After Trump's constant backstabbing of his allies, one of the richest men in the world immediately scrabbles up to lick the boot. Surely it will work out this time!

I'm already against Trump, you don't have to insist.