White man tells Black journalists his Black opponent is not Black

DxK@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 959 points –
White man tells Black journalists his Black opponent is not Black

So she's too black to be president and not black enough to be black.

Right... What a racist weirdo.

Many people are saying he's the weirdest. Tremendous amounts of people are saying it.

Also a rapist.

And a fraud. And a felon. Who shits himself a lot.

Yeah, but none of that bothers his supporters as much as calling him weird. Which is pretty weird if you ask me.

Maybe it's because they're weird too? Which is also a bit weird. Do we still call them Trumpers or just weirdos?

I've been pointing out how fuckin weird it is to care about half the shit they care about for years. I work blue collar so I've learned to keep my thoughts and beliefs to myself (it's too much fuckin work otherwise), but every now and then I'd chime in with a "Why should the GOVERNMENT care about what consenting adults do?" or "Why should the GOVERNMENT have the power to dictate women's health care?" etc

It works quite well if you point out the obvious disconnect between wanting "small government" and feeling like the State should be their personal nanny/drill sergeant. I've had quite a few stereotypical conservative guys go "hey yeah that is kinda weird, fuck the gubmint". They're also typically fans of my case that I don't care what color tie a politician wears, a crook is a crook. They nod solemnly, then leave before that reaches its natural conclusion.

My two cents

True, it is bugging them.

I’m still sticking with rapist and fraud since they’ve been proven in a court of law.

If weird were illegal, Trump would have been in jail since calling columnists, pretending to be someone else, to get it out that he was hot property in his dating life. I don't see anything that has changed.

In Trump's first election run, Trump continually stole the light by saying the weirdest thing possible. All the attention was on Trump, while the entire field of serious candiDates were out-rizzed, by the weirdest guy in the Republican field.

Now, he is just a creepy, weird old guy that needs diapers.

To be clear, if someone needs diapers - that sucks and that's nothing to hassle anyone about. Unless they're (supposedly) a billionaire, unfathomably vain, an enormous sociopath, an asshole, a rapist, and a convicted fraud, who pose a true existential threat to America and the planet as a whole. In the latter case, fuck those people.

He's the bigliest weirdo in history. Record-breaking. They're all saying it.

He's going to start some birther shit at some stage as well. Claim she was born in Jamaica or some shit.

He's already claiming she's Canadian because she lived there when she was 12 and that's where her mother worked at that time. So we're aren't long now from demanding long form birth certs.

"I paid some detectives to go up to Canada and you wouldn't believe what they found! Why yes, they're the exact same guys that have been in Hawaii for a decade looking into Obama, why do you ask?"

Meanwhile, the guys are actually just Giuliani tripping over folding chairs.

Giuliani can't afford to go to Canada. Sadly, he probably wouldn't be able to find it even if you flung him over Niagara Falls with a trebuchet.

Would Canada let Giuliani in? Canada has standards, and 9 felonies, even when not convicted yet, is a red flag.

You can't get into Canada if you have a DUI. Trump would need special permission to enter Canada.

If you travel by land or from the US and don't need a visa/visa waiver, you can. I can't understand how that draconian law could be enforced if the Canadian Government wasn't able to do a background check.

I heard they can launch a 90 kilogram scumbag who's as dumb as a rock up to 300 metres away.

You could fling Rudy from just outside the state park and splatter him along Clifton Hill then.

Arizona called those guys back after Maricopa county got rid of Arpaio.

He'll probably say she was born in both Jamaica and India. She's Schrodinger's presidential candidate (and analogy that is even more relevant after Vance's stupid 'cat lady ' comment).

The joke on The Daily Show the other day was that she's too young to be president and too old to be a woman...

That joke was a fuckin BANGER xD

She turned black the day Trump found out.

Just like the Dems turned into pedophile, racist, fascist groomers only after Trump left.

And Epstein turned rapist-pedo-trafficker the day Trump left him.

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Yeeeah. See, corporate news? That’s how one writes a headline.

You could learn something, corporate news. Trump’s idiocy, his racism, his blatant unethical - often illegal - activities can just be spelled out. You don’t need to pretend he’s just another normal guy out here doing normal things. That’s the lie, corporate news. You see that?

They are so feckless. So many titles are basically “Trump Questions Harris’s Race at NABJ Interview” like it’s wasn’t insane.

I'm sorry, I can't read an article unless the words Slam or Blast are in the headline.

I can make an exception if the headline ends with a question mark.

That’s a bad headline, it doesn’t tell you who it’s talking about

It's a damning headline for just that reason. It could be many weirdos. Somehow, everyone knew exactly who it was.

This headline: chef’s kiss

This entire interview was a headline gold mine. Even Fox News was having trouble spinning this as anything other than a disaster.

Yeah, I had the mental image of some idiot mayor in the South claiming it, and it did sort of short circuit the whole 'Trump did a Trump thing' we've all become numb to.

“Are you with ABC?” Trump continued. “Because I think they’re a fake news network, a terrible network, and I think it’s disgraceful that I came here in good spirit.”

Uh, it’s “faith”, dipshit. “Came here in good faith” is the expression. Good spirit(s) are when you’re happy.

Are you just, like, stroking out all the time? Or is that just you being a stupid motherfucker. How could we tell?

Hey maybe he was just happy until he heard the first question?

Or until he realized that he was at the NABJ convention rather than NAMBLA.

He saw the BJ part of their associations name and assumed there'd be a12y/o to service him. Him getting upset and hostile is perfectly reasonable, considering how he was misled.

See, he isn't going to be president for those who follow abc, but since he's elected president of all Americans, people who watch a different television network will simply no longer be considered American.

Fuck drumpf

I’m no Trump apologist, but I have to admit that I do very much like the act of looking a journalist in the eye and calling them out for bad-faith behavior and bullshit arguments to their face.

Of course, the journalists were 100% justified and in-line in this case, and Trump is a well-practiced bullshitter who’s flailing.

But wow, wouldn’t it be grand if someone with progressive bona fides acted like that…


He's just a confused old man.

You're thinking about Mr Biden again, sir. Don't you worry about it. Let's check your diaper and get you back to the TV Room, OK? Don't forget your special red hat.

He’s just a confused old man.

He's a racist old man who only half-remembers the dog whistles that Reagan used to play. The physical embodiment of First as Tragedy, Then as Farce.

From the people who brought you "one drop of blood", we present you "not black enough" AND "not really black".

Scratch your head and phone a friend while you wrap your head around the latest double speak.

Watch in amazement as they subdivide diverse groups based on superficial differences, like geography.

It's quite easy tho

It's bad when it's good, and it's good when it's bad

Why does everyone think Republicans are racist?? Just because they say racist shit, act racist and are racist, doesn't mean that they are racist!! Do better guys!!

He just can't wrap his head around the idea of someone being biracial, or chooses not to, whatever.

Its the exact same shit they did to Obama. The trick is that McCain and Romney never went on record saying this bullshit. They had a gaggle of C-List news celebrities say it over and over again, while they would play the "I can't believe someone would say OBAMA ISN'T BLACK that's crazy who would think that?" game.

But Trump isn't a politician in the traditional sense. He is the C-List news celebrity who talks shit all day. The GOP doesn't want the one-eyed Navy Seal who makes serious sounding noises all day running for President. Or the elite business genius who doesn't care about all our beautiful aborted white babies because he's too busy counting his (((money))). They literally want to put William F. Buckley in office. But he's dead, so they'll settle for the Cheeto Mussolini.

I'm glad someone else remembers this bs. The right wingers attacked Obama in the same way because he was raised by a white single mother in Hawaii and later by an Indonesian step father overseas. Because these idiots don't have a word for that, they attacked him as a pretender. But let's be clear, they don't do ambiguity because complexity loses them voters.

Strangely the right wingers got something almost correct for a change. It's true that the concept of "race" is both racist and artificial. It's how you were raised that largely determines your culture. Obama wouldn't fit in in Africa. True. But he was raised as an American. THAT MEANS HE'S AMERICAN.

The same is true for Harris. Its sad that she's going to get attacked for being raised by an Indian-American-Jamacian mother in oaktown (which was predominantly black back then) because of stupidity and the great orange puff's lack of self control

Strangely the right wingers got something almost correct for a change. It’s true that the concept of “race” is both racist and artificial. It’s how you were raised that largely determines your culture. Obama wouldn’t fit in in Africa. True. But he was raised as an American. THAT MEANS HE’S AMERICAN.

This is my handy guide to determine if someone is American (can be applied to any country):

  1. Born in America = American
  2. Born in a different country and moved to America at young age and spent a considerable amount of time growing up in America = American
  3. Immigrated at an older age to America and have their citizenship = American
  4. Immigrated at an older age to America and do not have their citizenship = Trying to become American

4a. Immigrated at an older age and don't want to get their citizenship, and are planning to eventually move home = Not American


Man it's been a long time since I saw this in the wild. Isn't the "(((___)))" supposed to signify "Jew" in a bad way?

Conservative bloggers thought they'd come up with a super clever code to do antisemitism without getting flagged for it, but it just turned into a big joke.

I looked at the echo symbol “(((___)))” in the Anti Defamation League hate symbol website. Whatever is inside the triple parenthesis has Jewish added. In this case, the echo means Jewish money.

I think he would be confused regardless. The fact that she's biracial compounds it. People love to categorize others into boxes they understand. It often results in racism, but it usually results in a kind of obstinate ignorance. There are many people who fundamentally cannot seem to understand that Indians are Asian, even if they're pretty brown. They also don't understand that a Jamaican who's a descendant of slaves is African-American. That someone can be both of these impossible (in their mind) things is just outlandish.

I know a guy who's black and British, and I have heard him explain how he isn't African-American so many times. Whatever white person receives the explanation never really believes it and always treats it like it's a trick. I know someone else who has a seeing eye dog that's a mutt, and not some movie-groomed golden retriever. Confusion abounds.

I don't think that he can't wrap his head around being biracial, I think he's trying to play on the community's own racism.

Let's not kid ourselves here, all racial community's have their members who shun and reject biracial kids as being part of their community with some cultures having a larger segment of that type of thinking than others.

Nah, he's a fucking moron, but I don't think that's it. He's trying to use a standard pratice of his of identifying something that others may like about an opponent and attack it as not being true. When that thing is race, it becomes extra fucking ridiculous.

I think theyre angry because many of the Weird Cheeto's bigoted voters will want clarity on what kind of racial slur they'll use as they are a discriminating bunch.

No, they really aren't as far as slurs go. If a person of mixed ethnicity kinda looks black, they get the same ones as people whose parents are both black.

I was trying to make a joke but didn't succeed.😞

I've heard them call people of Indian descent the same slurs that they use for Blacks and Arabs. These are not people who get ambiguity or experience empathy.

Trump also said: “A black job is anybody that has a job,” he said. “That’s what it is.” Again, the crowd gasped.

At first I was surprised he was invited but this was some 4D chess. He saw the trap and he dove head first.

I... i don't even understand what that means? Is this some Americanism or is he just being incoherent again?

He's being racist. Everyone was wondering after the first debate what "black jobs" were. Unfortunately, Biden died on stage, so that overshadowed it.

It’s just a Trumpism because he only has a cursory level of knowledge regarding the English language.

Like if you used chatgpt to make every dictionary definition vague and then taught that to someone.

“Many fine people have told me that I was the blackest president in American history. It’s true, folks. And that’s why coloreds should vote for me instead of Laffin’ Kamindian. Did you know she’s half-Indian? What’s up with that? She’s also a FEMALE, in case you haven’t noticed. It’s a disgrace.”

If the Republicans were at all competent, they could actually have made this attack work.

Just look at Kedrick Lamar's roasting of Drake in "Not Like Us". Drake is clearly black, but he was mostly raised by a non-black mother in Canada. A lot of the emphasis in Not Like Us is how Drake has to do things like travel to Atlanta or wear clothes from Compton to pretend to fit in with black culture. So Lamar says:

"No, you not a colleague, you a fuckin' colonizer"

A very clever Republican strategist use that Harris was mostly raised by her Indian mother, how she spent her teens in Montreal, Canada, how she married a white man, how she prosecuted people for marijuana possession, and so-on to try to sow doubts about whether she really fit in.

But, they'd have to have done that using black surrogates who were seemingly not tied to the Trump campaign. Instead, they're so incompetent that they have Trump just blurt out to a Black audience that she's not really black... which instead puts everyone on her side.

It's crazy that people keep saying she prosecuted thousands upon thousands of black individuals with Marijuana charges. I swear people don't know how to Google and find out that she oversaw 1900 cases, (which was a total for her AND those under her) but only 45 went to prison for it... and those were extreme cases. I've used the LetMeGoogleThatForYou site more than I'd like to admit.

The fact that you're having to fight that fight shows that it could effectively be used by competent spin-doctors to sow doubt. The GOP in the George W. Bush era could have done it, they were ruthless and competent. They even got veterans to go against an actual veteran like John Kerry over a draft-dodger like Bush. The McCain camp could have done it -- but even then they were starting to go nuts, picking Palin as his running mate.

But, luckily, the modern GOP is increasingly incompetent. The only thing they have going for them is that Trump has a cult of personality that has somehow taken in nearly half the US electorate.

I thought Bush was a drug abusing deserter, not a draft dodger.

Depends how you define "draft dodger".

From what I remember, he avoided the draft by registering for the Air National Guard, then didn't bother fulfilling the duties required for that position.

Facts are cool for sure but if you're ever at the point where you realize you're speaking to someone who doesn't acknowledge facts I suggest making things up, then when they try and dismiss those claims just copy and paste the parts of their comments that dismissed your facts.

This way you force them to be the ones who have to Google things, and when they run to Google they run the risk of actually learning something, and as we all know learning is conservatism's mortal enemy.

Which Republican black person, who is well known, respected, and is not affiliated with Trump or MAGA, is going to do this attack on Kamala Harris, for Trump and Republicans?

They had their chance, and bungled it on a spectacular scale. Trump is taking hit after hit. Strategists know Trump's small bags of tricks. They are blame others for what you do, lie, gaslight and steal. They are ready before Trump even thinks of it.

Which Republican black person, who is well known, respected, and is not affiliated with Trump or MAGA, is going to do this attack on Kamala Harris, for Trump and Republicans?

Yeah, that's the thing, they're so toxic that such a person probably doesn't exist. But, they could probably have used some grifters who are not well known, not respected, but do have a few social media followers. They could probably have even used some of those famous Republicans who have "I'm a black woman" social media accounts that they occasionally forget to switch to before ranting. They just needed to do what the Russians do so well, and start whispers and get the lies / questions to spread.

Luckily, Trump flopped so hard that even if they started that kind of a whisper campaign now, people would know what they're seeing and probably not fall for it.

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I just love the pivot America has done with Kamala.. she went from the worst VP ever, not even liked by her own party or Liberals... to the most awesomest candidate ever!

She was a proud Indian until it became popular to be black.

As usual the party of dishonesty is gaslighting the world and the drones lap it up.

Because she's both. Her mom is Indian, and her dad is Afro-Jamaican. That makes her ethnicity both Indian and Afro-Jamacian. There are people out there with mixed ethnicities.

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Was she a proud Indian when she chose to go to Howard University, a historically black college? When she joined Alpha Kappa Alpha, a historically black sorority, that must have been odd if she considered herself Indian instead of black.

She has considered herself both black and Indian for a very long time.

No she hasn't, it was one or the other which was most convenient.

"What are you, a father or a son?! You act like whichever is convenient for you at the time, you big phony!!"

That's what you sound like right now. It's pretty weird that you can't understand mixed-race people; it's quite simple.

I have a truck that can drive on roads and rail tracks. I use the method most convenient at the time.

So you're saying you can pick your race?

Joines 3 hours ago to start spewing nonsense about not understanding basic lineage. Are you a nut job or just someone who needs to find a life?

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I know you're sad he's not running anymore, but we're not going back.

Biden later said his comments were a “mistake.”

So everyone agrees that statement from Biden was bad. Including Biden. Can we now do the same for Trump's statement? Including Trump?

It’s because Biden left the race, so now there’s no black candidates left.