
2 Post – 340 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Duh. No country is going to do this, it will do nothing but open up a can of worms. I mean, what about the ancestors of the African tribes that rounded up the slaves and sold them? Shouldn't they pay something? What about the countries who fought for slaves to be free? What about all the families of the union soldiers in the US Civil War, shouldn't they get something? Or, is this whole "reparations" thing only for black Americans whose great, great, great, great grandparents were slaves? It's silly.

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Because he's only doing this to stay neutral, and avoid losing subscribers. Guarantee he's voting for Trump... like most rich celebrities who pretend they're just like the rest of us...

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This is so silly. This is just Biden trying to keep both sides of his own party happy....

Trump assassination jokes have been going on since Trump was President 5 years ago... it seemed like it was only yesterday that Depp talked about killing Trump and Griffin held up a severed head of him...

It's interesting how Biden's now going in circles on this issue. Seems like he's getting pressure from everyone within his own party...

Coincidence that they stopped wearing bikinis, and they didn't win? I think not!

I live in an area in Central California, and almost all the new houses are being bought by Indians from India. Like, how the fuck are they doing it? My wife and I have saved our entire lives to by a home, and we're barely doing it. Meanwhile, all my neighbors are Punjabi Indians in their mid 20's...it's crazy.

Because when Republicans are in power, military make more. Ask any active military member, and they'll tell you they always make more money when a Republican President is in power.

Um, the difference is China is our #1 enemy?

If Biden is doing such a good job, and things are going good.. why is Harris talking about changing everything on Day 1? I don't get it... they're in power now, and yet, everything is STILL Trump's fault...

Spoken like a true Democrat. Sincerely, someone who lives near the border.

It gets us a foot print in the Middle East, an entire region that hates America and wants to see our destruction. That's what it gets us.

Dope! Thanks!

Have you ever actually LIVED an a bad area in an inner city? I have, in Southern California and Central California. The neighborhoods are victims to drugs, gangs, and violence. The only thing stopping an all out war happening in these areas is law enforcement. I'd rather risk the chance of "being harassed" by cops, over being killed by gang violence any day.

Oh brother...

You're spending too much time on Reddit and Lemmy. Republicans will always support Ukraine (they hate Russia too!). The issue isn't about support, it's about limits. We have to have checks and balances when financing a war, this isn't a free for all. The Republicans are just making sure the money is being spent how it's supposed too. All of a sudden, they're called "traitors" and "ass-kissers." Which is just ridiculous. How soon we forget Ukraine was once considered one of the most corrupt countries on Earth.

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That cop doesn't know if Hill has a weapon in the vehicle, a gun, something... you don't roll up your windows and ignore a police officer when you've been stopped for breaking the law.

Something tells me that the Kelce family does NOT lean too Left...

So, CNN is now in-cahoots with Trump? Lol..

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Why not create an app for trans women?

I'd bet my left testicle all these millionaire and billionaire celebrities are actually voting Republican.. they're just too afraid of the backlash to admit it... lol.

Liberals, rejoice!

Well, now she'll be SUPER PRUDE just for everyone...her next man is gonna be thrilled! Lol...

What does that mean? I'm talking about how easily people can express their hatred towards Republicans/Trump on sites like Lemmy and Reddit... but, they are NOT allowed to express those same feelings towards Biden and Democrats..

"Only two people hate America. Those who have never been here, and those who have never left..."

So, he's pretty much saying what all those other celebrities said if he won back in 2016.. lol...

A lot. I more conservative and vote Republican, so you can imagine the shit I have to read every day on Lemmy and Reddit...it's like a 24/7 hate fest for the Right. So, when I start to respond to something negative about Republicans..I just say forget...I'll just be down voted to hell, banned, cussed at...etc...

I'm simply saying that I know a family from another country, Sweden, that has experience something similar to what's going on in Switzerland. Sorry, I guess I should have been more specific.

Yes, of course. I'm just giving an example of what could happen if a country isn't careful...

Does that go for both sides? We visited Portland a while back, some of it looked like a 3rd World Country...and we all know what party is in control...

Okay, so we should just stop supporting Israel? What do they think is going to happen? Do they think Israel is going to say "since there's some kids protesting at Berkeley, we're going to pull out!" I mean, the US will always support Israel because it's in OUR best interest, is it not? There's a simple solution to this.... "STOP ATTACKING ISRAEL."

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Take my upvote...

Because according to you guys, we should be a one party country, with only one type of political view... I mean, that's called communism right?

Did you watch the video? Hill rows up his window and ignores the cop... the cop doesn't know if dude has a gun in there or not... it's now about "having power over us" it's about having law and order. Our laws and order is what keeps us from becoming a third world country. The minute you start allowing people to disobey law enforcement, not care, or ignore them.. you lose that law and order. If you think cops have "power" over us, you're spending too much time on Lemmy and Reddit...

I'm here because I like to discuss politics. However, just like Reddit...it seems as if this community only leans one way. Sorry to inform you that politics in America is very broad...it's not just about Democrats and Liberals.

Isn't this the Politics community? I mean, are all politics allowed...or, ONLY Left an Democrat politics? Smells very...Redditish to me....

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Trump won't pull support for Ukraine, that's just a scare tactic from the Left. The entire government is united on the issue of stopping Russia, Trump alone can't do much about that. If anything, he'll just crack down harder on how/where the money is spent. Again, I hate this "just give them what they want!" mentality coming from the Left. There should always be questions, concerns, limits...etc...when giving billions of dollars to any country.

Bullshit. The minute anyone around here says anything about being strict on immigration/border, they're called every name in the book. That's why people like me don't respond to others.

Lol..I wouldn't be surprised if it's true...I was watching this video about this American dude traveling through India...and, he's like in the middle of nowhere and these Indian guys, who could barely speak English...were like "you're American? Go Trump!"

So, you don't think Obama and Clinton deserve some kind of immunity? Do you REALLY think they're both completely innocent? Do you REALLY think their hands are clean?