MAGA Turns on Joe Rogan as He Endorses RFK Jr. and Not Trump to politics – 675 points –
MAGA Turns on Joe Rogan as He Endorses RFK Jr. and Not Trump

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Because he's only doing this to stay neutral, and avoid losing subscribers. Guarantee he's voting for Trump... like most rich celebrities who pretend they're just like the rest of us...

I honestly think he doesn't vote. Because he has said that the whole system is a silly popularity contest. I agree. But I also think it's a good thing to vote.

If you think a single thing that dude says is in good faith I've got a bridge to sell you.

He's a grifting right-wing propagandist and that's all.

Nah. He's just edging both sides for the con. He doesn't actually give a shit. He's rich.

I think it's a good thing to have the option of voting and having it count as a vote. Thus, I'll be voting in this election, just like the last.