Trump's plan to quell protests: 'Deport pro-Hamas radicals' to politics – 165 points –
Trump's plan to quell protests: 'Deport pro-Hamas radicals'

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Okay, so we should just stop supporting Israel? What do they think is going to happen? Do they think Israel is going to say "since there's some kids protesting at Berkeley, we're going to pull out!" I mean, the US will always support Israel because it's in OUR best interest, is it not? There's a simple solution to this.... "STOP ATTACKING ISRAEL."

the US will always support Israel because it's in OUR best interest, is it not?

No? What does supporting Israel actually get us?

It gets us a foot print in the Middle East, an entire region that hates America and wants to see our destruction. That's what it gets us.

We have plenty of other bases in the middle east. Enough that sending billions in weapons to Israel is not cost effective.