Tesla loses EV market dominance, falls below 50% in US [unit sales in 2024Q2]

Alphane Moon@lemmy.world to Technology@lemmy.world – 469 points –
Tesla loses EV market dominance, falls below 50% in US

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If I wanted a death trap I'd buy a Ford Pinto!

Credit where credit is due, Tesla makes some of the safest cars on the road if we exclude the Cybertruck.

What other company sells cars that self-drive themselves into fatal collisions?

I'm talking about crash ratings but as far as I know actual collisions data is in favor of Tesla vs non-self driving/assisted driving cars.

because that 3 1/2 ton monstrosity will absolutely demolish anything it collides with.

The cybertruck seems ultra safe for the driver. RIP to who gets hit by it, though

It actually doesn't absorb the impact well because it's too rigid

not to mention that having 3 1/2 tons slamming into you at however-many mph tends to end poorly, regardless of the crumple zones on your car and especially when it's mounted that high up.