Biden loses his train of thought, calls Harris 'Vice President Trump' in solo press conference to politics – 109 points –
Biden loses his train of thought, calls Harris 'Vice President Trump' in solo press conference

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Yeah, that sounds good, but ultimately it is fucking meaningless.

Okay, so you don't understand how governments act and sustain themselves. Cool.

I absolutely understand. You are in your feelings. I am living in reality. The electoral college is all that matters. That is what determines our elections, and is what will determine if we are able to sustain our strained democracy. When Biden loses the election and wins the popular vote you can carry all the water you want, but Trump will still be president.

I absolutely understand. You are in your feelings. I am living in reality.

I guess you missed the whole autocoup issue on Jan 6? Minor, I know, to people with only a passing interest in politics, but kind of integral. Clearly you don't understand the effect the percieved legitimacy of a government has on its functioning and continuation.

Jesus fucking christ man. You are out to lunch. I've followed every single part of the political process in this country since I was like 11 years old. You are pissing me the fuck off now.

I watched January 6th live, I watched 9/11 live, I watched the invasion of Iraq live, I have diligently paid attention to every historical moment in my lifetime. The vast majority of the people under 50 in this country already think the government is illegitimate. It does not, and has not ever worked for them. The popular vote changes nothing. If you think it does then you are deluded.

I watched January 6th live,

Apparently it didn't have much effect on you, considering your lackadaisical attitude towards legitimacy in government and political violence.

The vast majority of the people under 50 in this country already think the government is illegitimate.


Apparently it didn't have much effect on you, considering your lackadaisical attitude towards legitimacy in government and political violence.

Yeah, okay 👍 whatever you say chief.

So January 6th bad, President Putin and VP Trump is perfectly normal?

You're concerned about legitimacy of government, functioning and its continuation while ignoring that there is a brain dead corpse that just gave a speech. That same brain dead corpse is running the world's largest military, and can't even form a cohesive sentence.

BlueMAGA has a new meaning tonight

So January 6th bad,

Yes, I thought that was apparent, but fascists like you always adore a good coup attempt.

President Putin and VP Trump is perfectly normal?

No, and I haven't said as much.

You’re concerned about legitimacy of government, functioning and its continuation while ignoring that there is a brain dead corpse that just gave a speech. That same brain dead corpse is running the world’s largest military, and can’t even form a cohesive sentence.

How am I ignoring it?

From the looks of it, this is a hill that you are going to die on all by yourself

That fascism is bad? Sorry that the people you see regularly feel otherwise.