Harris Sharpens Her Attacks on Trump

MelonYellow@lemmy.ca to politics @lemmy.world – 448 points –
Harris Sharpens Her Attacks on Trump

The vice president told a crowd of roughly 20,000 in Dallas that former President Donald J. Trump had said he would terminate the Constitution in a second term.

“Consider: Donald Trump has openly vowed if re-elected he’ll be a dictator on day one, that he will weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies, round up peaceful protesters and throw them out of our country and even, and even and I quote, ‘terminate’ the United States Constitution,” Ms. Harris said.


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As I figured. You got nothing.

Thanks for playing!

Wow cool!! Anyone who doesn't want to do twenty minutes of research on command for you has nothing!

Cool indeed. I showed anyone reading along what they would need to see from you- which is that you’re all talk.

Now you’re just trying to save face by going on the offensive. You took a swing and there’s no reason to be that upset about it.

That you missed so catastrophically…. Yeah. You probably should be upset about that.

Oh my God lmao you have no idea what is going here bro I am just ignoring you

I’d apologize for asking you to support your claim with proof, if it were a thing that could be considered insulting or some sort of personal attack, but no-

All I did was tried to get you to provide evidence to back up your point.

So I’m not sure why you’re pulling out the “bro” on me. Your claim doesn’t hold water. And you know it.


here's the notification you seem to want

the fact that you are so insulted by "bro" 😂😂😂

Apologies again, for having the nerve to ask you to back up your shit. I understand that it’s offensive to people that like to make shit up.

I do not want to write an essay and/or debate with you! 🙂

You spelled “I can’t back up my bullshit” wrong.

Wow you really want these notifs

You could always just…. Not respond. That would stop giving me what I want if that were the case, wouldn’t it?

I mean, YOU were the one that was going to ignore me, right?

Lastly, all I was trying to do was get you to provide some evidence to support your bullshit. You have none, then claim to not want to waste the time- yet have all the time in the world to continue this discussion.

That pretty much plays right into proving my point from the beginning: You have nothing. And I’ve proven that.

Now that it’s settled- I’m going to show you how to shut down a troll.
