Harris Sharpens Her Attacks on Trump

MelonYellow@lemmy.ca to politics @lemmy.world – 448 points –
Harris Sharpens Her Attacks on Trump

The vice president told a crowd of roughly 20,000 in Dallas that former President Donald J. Trump had said he would terminate the Constitution in a second term.

“Consider: Donald Trump has openly vowed if re-elected he’ll be a dictator on day one, that he will weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies, round up peaceful protesters and throw them out of our country and even, and even and I quote, ‘terminate’ the United States Constitution,” Ms. Harris said.


Those points are only alarming to intelligent, sane people. The problem is there's a cult of unintelligent, insane people in this country.

If the media focused on just this narrative half as much as the focus on Biden's age, which is an issue, it might actually reach enough ears enough times that the not lost people might be swayed. There aren't enough people and headlines referencing Trump's felonies, rapes, and views to dictate. I saw a few headlines when it was said, and people just said, "same old Trump". More people need to start speaking about it in the media as a serious matter. And literally continually refer to him as a rapist felon.

They just need a particularly ragebait-y conclusion to latch on to. Like the fact that the Constitution he wants to 'terminate' also includes all the amendments.
Including the second amendment.
The one that's misquoted constantly by republican gun nuts.

The title nearly writes itself. "Trump wants to take away your Second Amendment gun rights!"

He has literally talked about bypassing the 2nd Amendment.

Or, Mike, take the firearms first and then go to court, because that’s another system. Because a lot of times, by the time you go to court, it takes so long to go to court, to get the due process procedures. I like taking the guns early. Like in this crazy man’s case that just took place in Florida, he had a lot of firearms – they saw everything – to go to court would have taken a long time, so you could do exactly what you’re saying, but** take the guns first, go through due process second**. - Donald Trump

This is an actual quote from a White House meeting discussing the shooting at Marjory Stoneman Douglas High School.

People who already would vote Democrat need to be alarmed into making sure they vote their asses off

Well we can only vote once, though, legally

Some MAGAs got caught trying to vote twice last time

Yes we can only vote one time but we can also make sure our moms, dads, siblings, friends, mail carriers, etc all go out and vote as well

Oh, you've politically purged those in your circle so thoroughly that you can guarantee your mail carriers will vote the same way you do? That's...impressive. Or creepy. Not sure which, or if you're contacting from the future after the other party has been banned and we are effectively a one party system?

Mail carriers should want a Democratic administration as much as anyone. If they like having the job title of mail carrier anyway.

Yes, I am contacting you from the future. Bad news, you’re still a weenie in the future too.

And they're people that pledge allegiance to the flag and Constitution every morning

Trump wants to be a dictator.

Then why didnt he do it last time?

Did you miss out on Jan 6th?

So dictators just give up power when they are told to?

Is that what you think happened on J6? Failure is not the same as giving up.

I think a riot happened on jan 6th. What about May 29th?

Are you suggesting that an attempt to halt the certification of a presidential election endorsed and encouraged by the sitting president in the hopes of avoiding abdicating power is equivalent to a protest over police brutality?

Legal warfare, I dont like it either, but the losers do this a lot. If jan 6th was an insurrection or whatever, what was May 29th?

Legal warfare, I dont like it either, but the losers do this a lot.

Show me one time Democrats have attempted to stop the certification of an election by force. You can't just pretend this happens as a standard matter of course.

what was May 29th?

May 29th was a riot and not an insurrection because it had nothing to do with trying to overturn an election. Are you getting it yet?

Its not the same mechanism, but Hilary with making false russian claim and Gore with all the counting shenanigans.

How were they going to overturn an election by occupying a building?

Hilary with making false russian claim

In what way do claims of Russian interference - which has some truth to it btw - directly result in the overturning of an election?

Gore with all the counting shenanigans

Insane to present an example of an election being manipulated in Bush's favor as an attempt by Gore to overturn an election. How are we supposed to have a discussion when we clearly live in different realities?

How were they going to overturn an election by occupying a building?

The attack on the Capitol was part of a wider plan orchestrated by Trump and his backers. The fake electors, the call to Georgia's secretary of state, the baseless accusations of voter fraud... All of these combine to paint a pretty clear picture. Hell, the crowd at the Capitol called to hang Mike Pence because he refused to count the fake Certificates of Ascertainment.

I'm only responding for the benefit of others since I know you're just going to deny all of this or try to claim Democrats did the same or worse, but I really do hope you overcome your delusions someday.

Hillary undermined his whole presidency. Al Gore tried to use law to win election.

The attack on the Capitol was part of a wider plan orchestrated by Trump and his backers.

Conspiracy theory...

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He hasn’t conceded the previous election yet…

In his and his cultists eyes he never stopped being the president

So you are afraid of imaginary dictators?

What flavor was the kool aid? I mean, you didn't just have a glass, you drank the whole pitcher.

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Dismantling two and a half centuries of checks, balances, and protections isn't half as easy as you may think.

The jury is still out on whether he's capable enough to do it if he wins again. This said, who the fuck wants to take that chance?

Trump is also a selfish, amoral piece of shit that will pull us out of NATO and kowtow to Putin as he expands across Europe. He doesn't care about anyone but himself, and the foreign countries and businesses he's forever indebted to.

The only "upside" to this guy is the delusions he's selling his fanclub on. They're all lies, but America is infested with enough idiots that we're now having to deal with this situation.

I'm so ashamed of this segment of my countrymen. What absolute rubes Trump voters are.

If he is going to destroy the government why even bother with an election and just say he is permanent president? And of course you are flying the Ukraine flag.

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The Democrats think the donations that will bring in are going to be excellent.

Which is somehow different than Biden refusing to give up power and drop out despite no one wanting him?



Lol, yes it's very different. A dictator is not an unpopular person trying to win a democratic election, or refusing to step down from a position they were elected into and still have remaining time in their term. He's being stubborn, not a dictator.

A dictator would be someone who doesn't leave after losing an election, or who changes or removes the process of elections to remain in power. Among other things that Biden is absolutely not doing.

Yes! Amazing both sidesing a man that wants to end democracy with a senile moderate.

Except the part where Biden is no moderate, and several of his policies, he's been to the right of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher

The fact that you missed the point was not unexpected.

Maybe be accurate when you try to make your points. Biden is much closer to Trump in policies than you probably realize.

Maybe but give examples when you try to make your points. I’d love to see you show your receipts here.

Lmao what are you my fucking English teacher?

Don’t say shit if you can’t show the work.

Maybe stop telling me what to do! You're giving commands like an English teacher and it's kind of annoying. You can do your own research, I'm not here to debate, just left a quick comment. Bye.

well, that escalated quickly

It's not really an escalation, more like a, fuck off I'm not interested in engaging in a debate with citations. Anyone else can provide any evidence one way or the other if they would like to. I am using Lemmy casually atm and a well researched comment takes quite a while, don't want to do it rn

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Man, if only you listened to your teacher instead of embarrassing yourself on the internet.

If you think I am embarrassed by people downvoting me on the forum with the worst community I have yet seen, no. lol. I go here for news stories, the community (you) sucks ass. Way too liberal (derogatory).

^ The comment of a person that has no real point to make.

You had every opportunity in this thread to actually point to 1 dictatorial or ultra conservative policy Joe has implemented, and by not providing even 1 example you're having the opposite of the intended effect.

If you're going to act like you know more than other people about something, it might be a good idea to have some real information on hand. Or, you could always just not say anything at all if you're uniformed.

And all this after starting the conversation with “Maybe be accurate when you try to make your points.”

Asking someone to be accurate (when they have admitted to knowing better) and asking someone to get into a debate with citations are two different things.

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Man you are working HARD tonight! Giving the other bots a break?

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Probably going to be the new dem nominee

I mean, realistically we knew it four years ago...

Its why we kept trying to argue Biden needed a better VP. But moderates told us VPs don't matter.

I can hold my nose for Kamala, but fuck man. If there ain't a real primary next election I'm over the party.

I've voted D for president for literally 20 years now...

08 was the only time I didnt just vote against the Republican party.

If the DNC doesn't take this as a wake up then I don't know how we're going to avert catastrophe. But I can already see another primary in 2028 with no challengers because the DNC scared them all off to protect the incumbent democratic president. And I'm not sure what happens with 3 sham primaries in a row.

How was 2020 a sham primary?

Oh wow, I'm really frickin tired. They weren't in a row. My mind jumped from 2016 where Hillary Clinton already had control of the party's assets to 2024 and 2028. Sorry about that.

No problem.

I won't go so far as to say 2016 was rigged, but the DNC definitely tipped the scale for somebody who already was going to get the nomination regardless.

The fact of the matter is, Bernie pulls more support from independents than he does centrist democrats. He proved that the left is taking over the party, but we aren't where we need to be yet.

The fact of the matter is, Bernie pulls more support from independents than he does centrist democrats. He proved that the left is taking over the party, but we aren’t where we need to be yet.

He also proved that the party will fight tooth and nail against the left but then just expect to win without trying against the right.

They don't care. They're all corporate removed anyway, they'll thrive under Republicans, except for the few of them who do actually care and would be too noisy.

Those who voted for them are the ones who should worry -- those whose existence and well being actually do depend on Republicans not being in power

Nice of her to show up finally.

For real. I've been saying that since 2020. What the hell has she been up to? I heard more about Mike Pence during his tenure and I got the feeling he was trying to stay out of the spotlight most of the time.

I just have no faith in her ability to beat Trump. She'll do worse than Biden ill bet.

I'm worried it will unite the sexists and racists behind trump

Pretty sure they're already there.

Are we really gonna chase them as a constituency?

Dems have been chasing them to the bottom of the barrel for some time now.

More like they'll actually be motivated to show up at the polls or not throw their vote away on Joe Exotic because they're threatened by women of color.

No, more like I'm worried we will motivate more to show up at the polls.

they were already united.

this is about mobilization and harris may be able to bring a wider, deeper pool of voters to the polls. I can tell you, where I am, there is absolutely no fire or enthusiasm for biden and we will miss warm bodies at polls pulling D levers because of it.

Lol as if sexists and racists are voting democrat

There are a lot of people that don't realize they are sexist, or racist. They are surrounded by people that all also don't realize they are racist, or sexist but they will start finding all the flaws in them. They won't say "I don't trust a woman as president " but they will coincidently find other flaws in the person because they are involuntarily being more critical of them.

The point is, there are racist and sexists voting for Biden that wouldn't vote for Kamala. They just don't realize they are sexist.

I live in rural Arizona. I am essentially an expert on these types of people.

Okay yes that's a thing. It's also a thing that kids who would be too discouraged to vote at all would vote for Harris. We can't really know how that would shake out exactly, because both groups are hard to quantity.

I don't know. One thing that she's really good at is going on the attack. Go back and watch her in Senate hearings. If there's anything we need post-Biden, it's someone who will take the fight to Trump instead of bickering with him about golf and letting him control the narrative. Assuming that she hasn't let those skills atrophy in the interim, of course.

I don’t know why this is so hard, I care very little about her as a person. Biden is mostly at the whim of his party already and Kamala would be too. So the platforms remain nearly the same, but somewhat better on critical things like Gaza.

I don’t see how this is a loss for the dems to run her, they’re guaranteed in my mind to lose with Biden now. And you’re right, anyone who gets on stage and is younger than 65 against Trump will just trounce him. I was waiting for Biden to fight back just once against Trump but nope, he just sat there with his mouth open.

She's not senile and Biden is basically winning on a platform of not trump so I can only imagine she'll do better. The people don't like Biden, they dislike trump. No one currently in the running is anyone's first choice and pretending otherwise is just madness, so someone who has the advantage of not being fascist and not being senile only sounds like an improvement.

This is the best summary I could come up with:

“Consider: Donald Trump has openly vowed if re-elected he’ll be a dictator on day one, that he will weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies, round up peaceful protesters and throw them out of our country and even, and even and I quote, ‘terminate’ the United States Constitution,” Ms. Harris said.

In Dallas, Ms. Harris tried to attach Mr. Trump to Project 2025, a policy and staffing blueprint assembled by dozens of conservative groups for the next Republican administration.

Project 2025, which is led by the conservative Heritage Foundation, is not Mr. Trump’s official campaign platform, and the former president has recently sought to distance himself from it.

In a statement, Danielle Alvarez, a spokeswoman for the Trump campaign, accused “Team Biden” of “fear-mongering because they have NOTHING else to offer the American people.”

But while political momentum is building for Ms. Harris, she is also navigating a difficult balancing act in not spotlighting the messaging limitations of her boss.

Sonia Southerland, a 69-year-old member of the sorority, said she was struck by how Ms. Harris explained the stakes of the election, specifically his potential plans for a second term.

The original article contains 719 words, the summary contains 192 words. Saved 73%. I'm a bot and I'm open source!

Please don’t run her. She won’t win. Don’t run him either, but get someone better than her. Run a progressive

Name a progressive who is throwing their hat in the ring who can win with no fundraising apparatus set up 4 months before the election.

I'll wait.

Of your requirement is "already throwing their hat into the ring" then of course you're not going to get any replies. No one is going to seriously contest the current president publicly at the moment.

Even if they had thrown their hat in the ring now, they still would have 4 months to out raise and outspend Trump without access to any of the money already raised.

Kamala is the only one with a chance.

Would money raised for Biden not be able to be transferred to the eventual nominee if he steps down? I'm sure they would have access to DNC funds.

They would have access to DNC funding but essentially none of the Biden money that has been raised.

A lot of first-time Trump voters came to him from Bernie. If the media wasn't out to destroy him, his policies are extremely popular.

I don't know about a lot.

If somebody can so easily flip back and forth between democratic socialism and fascism, they are likely an idiot, and I am not sure how many idiots actually supported Bernie. I suspect not as many as the other candidates ran.

I don't think it's all that unexpected that people who are fed up with the system might latch onto radically different (from the status quo) messaging. Wanting any alternative to what has been offered for decades can be understood. It doesn't mean I agree with people who opt for fascism; I simply acknowledge that their desperation for an alternative makes sense even if their choice is counterproductive.

People who can switch so heavily between opposing systems as the surrounding political winds change ate people who have the luxary to do so. The bulk of people who are fascists are almost never poor.

Well this has nothing to do with anything but I don't think that pink suit looks good on her at all

Delete this

Meh, I don't think the comment matters. Fashion has always been a discussion topic. Remember Obama's tan suit? Or all the criticisms on Trump's ill fitting suits?

The problem is that we often overemphasize fashion when it comes to women over men. While I don't believe this was intended as a sexist remark, it does underscore the inherent misogyny we view women in the public eye with. I don't believe any malice was intended, this is a society problem and not an individual issue, at least in this cause, it's still worth calling out none the less.

I think the color is fine, but the cut is unflattering imo.

(Also in South India that would be considered a muslim color, her patti would be very disappointed).