Harris Sharpens Her Attacks on Trump

MelonYellow@lemmy.ca to politics @lemmy.world – 448 points –
Harris Sharpens Her Attacks on Trump

The vice president told a crowd of roughly 20,000 in Dallas that former President Donald J. Trump had said he would terminate the Constitution in a second term.

“Consider: Donald Trump has openly vowed if re-elected he’ll be a dictator on day one, that he will weaponize the Department of Justice against his political enemies, round up peaceful protesters and throw them out of our country and even, and even and I quote, ‘terminate’ the United States Constitution,” Ms. Harris said.


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Trump wants to be a dictator.

Then why didnt he do it last time?

Did you miss out on Jan 6th?

So dictators just give up power when they are told to?

Is that what you think happened on J6? Failure is not the same as giving up.

I think a riot happened on jan 6th. What about May 29th?

Are you suggesting that an attempt to halt the certification of a presidential election endorsed and encouraged by the sitting president in the hopes of avoiding abdicating power is equivalent to a protest over police brutality?

Legal warfare, I dont like it either, but the losers do this a lot. If jan 6th was an insurrection or whatever, what was May 29th?

Legal warfare, I dont like it either, but the losers do this a lot.

Show me one time Democrats have attempted to stop the certification of an election by force. You can't just pretend this happens as a standard matter of course.

what was May 29th?

May 29th was a riot and not an insurrection because it had nothing to do with trying to overturn an election. Are you getting it yet?

Its not the same mechanism, but Hilary with making false russian claim and Gore with all the counting shenanigans.

How were they going to overturn an election by occupying a building?

Hilary with making false russian claim

In what way do claims of Russian interference - which has some truth to it btw - directly result in the overturning of an election?

Gore with all the counting shenanigans

Insane to present an example of an election being manipulated in Bush's favor as an attempt by Gore to overturn an election. How are we supposed to have a discussion when we clearly live in different realities?

How were they going to overturn an election by occupying a building?

The attack on the Capitol was part of a wider plan orchestrated by Trump and his backers. The fake electors, the call to Georgia's secretary of state, the baseless accusations of voter fraud... All of these combine to paint a pretty clear picture. Hell, the crowd at the Capitol called to hang Mike Pence because he refused to count the fake Certificates of Ascertainment.

I'm only responding for the benefit of others since I know you're just going to deny all of this or try to claim Democrats did the same or worse, but I really do hope you overcome your delusions someday.

Hillary undermined his whole presidency. Al Gore tried to use law to win election.

The attack on the Capitol was part of a wider plan orchestrated by Trump and his backers.

Conspiracy theory...

Hillary undermined his whole presidency.

Yes, the fact that Russia ran a coordinated disinformation campaign that favored Trump does undermine his legitimacy a bit, but let's not miss the forest for the trees. The fact that Trump lost the popular vote in 2016 and lost the election entirely in 2020 is more significant.

Al Gore tried to use law to win election.

61,000 ballots were not counted by mistake. Gore used the law to try and have them counted and the conservative supreme court interfered for political reasons. Gore was in the right.

Conspiracy theory

The amount of evidence supporting this theory rivals the theory of gravity.

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He hasn’t conceded the previous election yet…

In his and his cultists eyes he never stopped being the president

So you are afraid of imaginary dictators?

What flavor was the kool aid? I mean, you didn't just have a glass, you drank the whole pitcher.

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Dismantling two and a half centuries of checks, balances, and protections isn't half as easy as you may think.

The jury is still out on whether he's capable enough to do it if he wins again. This said, who the fuck wants to take that chance?

Trump is also a selfish, amoral piece of shit that will pull us out of NATO and kowtow to Putin as he expands across Europe. He doesn't care about anyone but himself, and the foreign countries and businesses he's forever indebted to.

The only "upside" to this guy is the delusions he's selling his fanclub on. They're all lies, but America is infested with enough idiots that we're now having to deal with this situation.

I'm so ashamed of this segment of my countrymen. What absolute rubes Trump voters are.

If he is going to destroy the government why even bother with an election and just say he is permanent president? And of course you are flying the Ukraine flag.

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The Democrats think the donations that will bring in are going to be excellent.

Which is somehow different than Biden refusing to give up power and drop out despite no one wanting him?



Lol, yes it's very different. A dictator is not an unpopular person trying to win a democratic election, or refusing to step down from a position they were elected into and still have remaining time in their term. He's being stubborn, not a dictator.

A dictator would be someone who doesn't leave after losing an election, or who changes or removes the process of elections to remain in power. Among other things that Biden is absolutely not doing.

Yes! Amazing both sidesing a man that wants to end democracy with a senile moderate.

Except the part where Biden is no moderate, and several of his policies, he's been to the right of Ronald Reagan and Margaret Thatcher

The fact that you missed the point was not unexpected.

Maybe be accurate when you try to make your points. Biden is much closer to Trump in policies than you probably realize.

Maybe but give examples when you try to make your points. I’d love to see you show your receipts here.

Lmao what are you my fucking English teacher?

Don’t say shit if you can’t show the work.

Maybe stop telling me what to do! You're giving commands like an English teacher and it's kind of annoying. You can do your own research, I'm not here to debate, just left a quick comment. Bye.

As I figured. You got nothing.

Thanks for playing!

Wow cool!! Anyone who doesn't want to do twenty minutes of research on command for you has nothing!

Cool indeed. I showed anyone reading along what they would need to see from you- which is that you’re all talk.

Now you’re just trying to save face by going on the offensive. You took a swing and there’s no reason to be that upset about it.

That you missed so catastrophically…. Yeah. You probably should be upset about that.

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well, that escalated quickly

It's not really an escalation, more like a, fuck off I'm not interested in engaging in a debate with citations. Anyone else can provide any evidence one way or the other if they would like to. I am using Lemmy casually atm and a well researched comment takes quite a while, don't want to do it rn

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Man, if only you listened to your teacher instead of embarrassing yourself on the internet.

If you think I am embarrassed by people downvoting me on the forum with the worst community I have yet seen, no. lol. I go here for news stories, the community (you) sucks ass. Way too liberal (derogatory).

^ The comment of a person that has no real point to make.

You had every opportunity in this thread to actually point to 1 dictatorial or ultra conservative policy Joe has implemented, and by not providing even 1 example you're having the opposite of the intended effect.

If you're going to act like you know more than other people about something, it might be a good idea to have some real information on hand. Or, you could always just not say anything at all if you're uniformed.

And all this after starting the conversation with “Maybe be accurate when you try to make your points.”

Asking someone to be accurate (when they have admitted to knowing better) and asking someone to get into a debate with citations are two different things.

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Man you are working HARD tonight! Giving the other bots a break?

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