Biden introduces Zelenskiy as ‘President Putin’ at Nato summit to World – 468 points –
Biden introduces Zelenskiy as ‘President Putin’ at Nato summit

Did he do it for the memes?


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It was a low effort reply to a low effort false claim.

But sure, keep whining about how I'm attacking you somehow, or whining about me playing victim or something.

Hope you find something to break you out of your funk so you can enjoy your weekend.

You're actually the one making the claim that people are telling others not to vote, so the burden of proof falls on you. That the claim was low effort is your fault, along with the lack of evidence for your claim.

You guys are so salty I didn’t need to salt my popcorn while reading this. I can only say that it is impressive what lengths you all go to to prove some super minor shit

Cognitive decline isn't minor? Like if this was my grandparent, I wouldn't let them drive a vehicle due to concerns about their safety and the safety of others. We're letting him drive a country. Stop gaslighting