Biden introduces Zelenskiy as ‘President Putin’ at Nato summit to World – 468 points –
Biden introduces Zelenskiy as ‘President Putin’ at Nato summit

Did he do it for the memes?


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How are non-voters or third party voters that Biden already wasn't getting helping Trump? How is it 2020 Biden Voters fault that Biden is committing genocide and disengaging his own voterbase?

Nothing you've said makes any sense. If Biden wants the DNC to win, he needs to not commit genocide or step down. Simple.

Don't commit genocide or I'll vote for the guy with double genocide!

Again, nobody against genocide is voting for Trump. You're less and less coherent.

Remember the half vote?

Yep, it's mathematically wrong.

Because it's a figure of speech. Technically it's just one. But since you start arguing semantics I guess you concede the discussion?

No, it's not wrong because it's a metaphor, it's wrong period. Biden is not entitled to votes, and is actively torpedoeing his chances, that's the point.

Do you want me to hand you the nose saw?

Again, we have to reiterate here: I have already said I plan on voting for Biden for now, and yet you've been batting for genocide and "uhm akshually-ing" about how Biden is good and should stay in the race, despite 54% of Democrat voters wanting him to drop out.

He's cooked.

And they will want him to stay in two weeks, if he doesn't do a silly in one news cycle.

I never said Biden is good, I didn't even contest your statement that he's "right wing".

I just said that the other guy is much worse. Hence any statement criticizing Biden on topic xyz without mentioning that trump is ackshually much worse on that topic, is pushing your country to the right even further. Imagine a SCOTUS with 5 or 6 trump justices.

Anyway, it's your country, not mine. I'm moderately satisfied with the political choices I made.

This is all vibes with no actual analysis, lol. Dems and their voters want them to drop.

And they will want him to stay in two weeks, if he doesn't do a silly in one news cycle.

He's always doing "a silly," 100 Palestinians were murdered yesterday. His mental capacity is night and day different from 2020, which was already night and day from 2008/2012.

Even if the majority want him to stay (which is wrong for now), there are still a huge number of people disengaged by him. Do you think swapping him out would hurt the DNCs chances?

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