Non-Communist of Lemmy , what Billionair do you root for ?

ThomasMuentzner [he/him, comrade/them] to – -16 points –

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"i am not against billionaires , i am against billionaires"

You know that most retirees rely on passive income, right? That investment is for the working class as well as the bourgeois and wealthy? Fucks sake, I wait tables and I invest, both in stocks and real estate.

i do not know that because it is wrong. Retirees deepend on their Pension. the Pension is from their earlier income .

Passive Income is Landlords and Interest .. if you Try to Put Students and Retierees in there you are a Classtraitor or 10.000 miles under the Water ..

Maybe this is different where you live, but where I live, most retirees have retirement investments, not pensions, and even pensions are usually drawn from a fund that is invested in the market. You can argue this shouldn't be the case, but you cannot seriously argue that this is not the case.

and the Fund is filled by what money ?

the Company profit or part of your Wage ?

watch this video you will understand afterwards..

I'm not watching a video. Anything worth saying is better said in plain text.

Again, I wait tables and will not receive a pension; I barely receive a wage. Any late-life income is going to be either support from my children or from investments I make now.

I'm not watching a video. Anything worth saying is better said in plain text.

so you refuse to aquire new information ? lol ...

the Money you invest is the Money YOU laboured for (your active Income)

the Money you Boss invests is also the Money YOU laboured for (his Passiv Income).

its pretty wierd to imagine a definition .

--> then demand that your definition is the prober one ,

--> then refuse actually knowledge about the topic..

Again, I wait tables and will not receive a pension;

Your Employer (lives passivly by your labour) refuses to share enough of the "Surplus value" of your Labour with you for a Pension.

He is your enemy. he wants you to labour as Hard as you can and he wants to pay you as little as he needs to

he is Passiv Income.. his income is what is redacted from your Wage.

but i can do plain text as well : (rightclick and translate , there is no english version you can wonder why )

At this point, I almost have to think you're trolling. Until you prove it, though, I'll attempt to keep discussing in good faith.

And so, your link: "Usury" is the English word for that concept. And investments generally aren't interest-bearing loans, anyway, but profit-sharing ventures.

Further: If I take my wages, my active income, and I invest it, the income from those investments is passive income, even if the initial investment was made with active income.

Finally: Videos are an ablist format that are hostile to those with vision and hearing impairments, both of which I have. I don't think saying "use your words" is refusing new information, but rather demanding it.

there is Investment into "schaffendes Kapital" ---> productive Capital ... it Produces ... it Consumes .. most of what it produces increases general wellbeeing (there is Consumer deemand because it does) is goodish side of Kapital

there is Investment into "Raffendes Kapital" ---> "Extracting Capital" ... Rent & Interest.. it does not Produce .. no , it is evens dependent on Decreasing Production.... decreasing general wellbeeing... decreased Housing --> increased Rent

interest produces nothing as well , it extracts Money (by a mathematical calculation , that does not really exist) and then produces Guilt by Misfortune...

--> it decreases general wellbeeing

think about your Rent . what Percentage of your Wage do you Pay just for Rent ? You Pay because a Human necessity (housing) is made "scarce" ...

Productive Capital verus Extractive Capital

Fully with you on productive vs. extractive capital. I try to make sure all my investments are ethical and productive.

yesterday was late...

important distinction is that you are with me on that comes from the Fact that you are working class.

The Ruling Class (/ Elite / Passive Income Creditor Class / Bourgoise / Ownership Class / extractor Class ) lives from YOUR Labour , they are NOT with me on that .

(Labour is the source of all Value)

passiv income lives my others peoples Labour --> Parasiticlly , So it gonna have an Ideology that allows them to live by other peoples labour .... And they will create a System that protects their Passiv income over all else .. and they will not allow anybody to question their Income Or their System..

And yes thats the System we have.

"the Debt must be Payed! is the higest Maxime " .. take the withering America for example...

the Interest has now exceded ALL other expanses .. it gets complettly suffrocated by the Passiv income Class.. No healthcare , Not Pensions , No nothing.. no houses .. rent 1/2 of the Income .. etc. And who is guilty on that Misery .. ? They are .. Even the Bible and the Torah allready forbade that sin.. Because they Rule and they know of nothing that is more Holy than "Their Income , by YOUR Labour" .. they will literally burn the planet down before they gonna give back even tiny fraqments of what they have taken ... they are the CLASS ENEMY ... the Parasite .. because imagine a America freed from its Debt (Debt Cancelation) ? or an America freed from its Rent (Housing Reform /Landreform) .. It will never happen..

Because the "Common Class Interest" of all your Rulership will be to protect their Income. ...Not America ...

Knowing to differentiate beetween "Active and Passiv Income" / "Working Class & Bourgoise" / "Plebs and Patricians"

is Called "Class Counsiousness" , and the hole eternal War beetween Passiv (suffrocating) and active (building) Income is Called the "CLASSWAR". ... you probably have heard Marx:

"The history of all hitherto existing society(2) is the history of class struggles. Freeman and slave, patrician and plebeian, lord and serf, guild-master(3) and journeyman, in a word, oppressor and oppressed, stood in constant opposition to one another, carried on an uninterrupted, now hidden, now open fight, a fight that each time ended, either in a revolutionary reconstitution of society at large, or in the common ruin of the contending classes"

revolutionary reconstruction is the like Golden Age , while the Common Ruin of the Contenting Classes is the "Dark age" , the Rulership of the Suffrocating capital that is threatend by all that is good.

thanks for coming to my Ted Talk.

See, this is part of why I'm not a communist. Not all value derives from labor, some is naturally occuring.

The other sticking point is the inherent value of labor. In communist theory (as I understand it) the value of the final product is equal to the value of the labor required to produce it. But this means that if the product is, well, crap, then the labor put into it is without much value. That's a no-sell for me. You can say that the value of the labor was wasted, but to say it doesn't exist? I can't agree to that proposition.

See, this is part of why I'm not a communist. Not all value derives from labor, some is naturally occuring.

this is factually wrong. all value derrives from labour if not ,name a single object created without labour. What ever is "Naturally occuring" still needs Labour to Harvest or to transport or even to watch it and enjoy its beauty.

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I'll attempt to keep discussing in good faith.

You never even started discussing in good faith and refuse to learn anything you're just a smug liberal licking the boot of people that hate you and steal from you.

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WTAF are you talking about. On Lemmy, you’re either a communist or a billlionaire tooting nazi.

I’m in favour of a progressive tax on income, in favour of inheritance tax and in favour of a wealth tax. That doesn’t mean I think some people shouldn’t become rich from their efforts or that every wealthy person has gotten their by exploring the labour they employ (everybody else free to take that risk too).

I’d like my government and country run like the Nordics. Where I do fit in in your insane binary world?

I am from the Nordics. Spoiler: the rich get rich from exploiting workers and national resources, or inheritance from someone else that did.

Look at university professors' pay compared to that of a broker if you think we have a merit awarding income system.

Me too. If you think the Nordics is bad, don’t move move to the U.K. or US where I am. We can argue all day long about our experience of each system, but look at the Gini coefficient alone for some data.

Yeah, I am proud of my country's history of somewhat national control over resources and not super incredibly terrible distribution of wealth. The bar set by the UK and US is outstandingly low though, and the trend for the Nordics is going in the wrong direction, and has been for 50 years, even though there were lots of potential for improvement even 50 years ago.

The communist viewpoint is that bourgeoisie interests will inevitably erode social democracies and make them rot from within. You have to replace the capitalist mode of production to have a chance at combatting exploitation of nature and people in any real and lasting capacity.

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