Project 2025′s dirty little secret that Trump doesn’t want you to know

Beaver [she/her] to politics – 258 points –
Project 2025′s dirty little secret that Trump doesn’t want you to know

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WOW, I love that you're argument in favor of states rights is "sure women in all these states completely lost their bodily autonomy, but I'm not a woman so I think it's the way to go!"

Watch him respond with "if they don't like it they can just move to a state with abortions" as if poverty and other mechanisms that restrict mobility don't exist. Absolutely WILD!

WOW, I love that you're argument in favor of states rights is "sure women in all these states completely lost their bodily autonomy, but I'm not a woman so I think it's the way to go!"

Well, I certainly didn't write that. At all. In fact, it seems you didn't read what I wrote at all. The only way to guarantee abortion rights for all women in all 50 states is a constitutional amendment, an amendment that is very unlikely to pass. So, what do you propose?

You literally used the fact that states are currently undoing abortion access in your argument that you support states right to choose!

Edit here are some quotes, all I removed was rambling

The third option is we split up, and go our separate ways. Personally, I prefer the third option, and I think it's already happening.

Take abortion, for instance. The overturning of Roe v Wade didn't make abortion illegal throughout the whole country, it simply returned the matter to the states.

But that's not necessarily a bad thing. I think it's better to have a weaker federal government and for more power to be returned to the states

"Sure, some people are still property. But that decision is made at the state level, so it's all good."

You folks keep putting words in my mouth. I never said that a decision automatically becomes morally right when it is made at the state level instead of the federal level. I never said that restricting abortion access was right or good.

I really would like an answer from someone about how you all would make abortion legal in all 50 states. Please, my all means tell me. If that is the only acceptable option to you, how do you think it can be accomplished?

Pass a law that medical decisions are between a patient and a doctor. You claim it needs to be an amendment, but there's no reason for that.

Your entire premise seems to be capitulating to fascism because you're afraid it can't be stopped at the federal level. Do you really think "some fascism at the state level" would be a peaceful solution in the long term?

Pass a law that medical decisions are between a patient and a doctor.

They tried passing a law to make abortion legal in all 50 states. It was called the Women's Health Protection Act. It was defeated in the Senate, twice. I'm sure they'll keep trying, but even if they succeed the law will be challenged and I think it's likely the current supreme court would overturn it. Plus, laws passed by one Congress can be repealed by another Congress. The only way to guarantee abortion rights in all 50 states would be to amend the constitution.

What you call rambling, is actually context.

You literally edited my words to change what I said. The FULL sentence I wrote was:

I think it's better to have a weaker federal government and for more power to be returned to the states, then to have a strong federal government that gets taken over by fascists, for instance.

You're just being deliberately dishonest.

Context doesn't matter when all it does is attempt to justify heinous decisions like allowing states to restrict abortion and other fundamental rights. When it does that it's just rambling.

If you think having a fascist federal government, in which abortion is illegal for all, is between than some states having abortion rights and some states not, that's your opinion, I'm just saying I disagree with it.

Why would I be in favour of a fascist federal government? Where did I say something to support that? Have we completely given up on not having federal fascism already?

Have we completely given up on not having federal fascism already?

Not necessarily, but you won't tell me how you plan to stop the fascists? Are you going to fight them or try to compromise with them?

Compromise? Like by giving them only SOME states to do heinous shit in?

Ok, that's fair. That is a kind of compromise. So, you're saying you agree that breaking up is the best option? I mean, you just absolutely refuse to give a definitive answer, so I feel I need to clarify.

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