Ex-Porsche Lawyer Sentenced After Throwing Her Newborn Out Window So It Wouldn't Disrupt Her Career

ConsciousBowl@lemmy.world to News@lemmy.world – 320 points –
Ex-Porsche Lawyer Sentenced After Throwing Her Newborn Out Window So It Wouldn't Disrupt Her Career

The motive behind Jovanovic's actions was reportedly her fear that motherhood would jeopardise her professional career as a lawyer for a prestigious car brand.


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Fuck dude.

I know, I'm awful. At least I had the decency to edit out the last panels.

I think that makes it even better. Fucking dark, but still funny because we all knew right away what the last panel would look like were it there...

Please repost that as its own meme, this is gold!

WDYM "its own meme"? Comedy is all about context, and this meme is only perfect because it's in the context of this story.

Generally sure, but I think part of the context that makes this funny is the meme format itself, which is why I think it would also work without the context of this post.