Donald Trump calls for Taiwan to ‘pay’ for its own defence to World – 210 points –

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You seem angry and myopic.

Anyway, that's not what I said. Nor implied. China (xi/aka pooh bear). Is ALSO bad. CHINA is ALSO building military bases, secret camps, "police stations", around the world.

They've turned a Democratic Hong Kong into an authoritarian regime. As they seek to do with Taiwan.

They prop up north Korea, supply weapons to Russia, etc., they intern Muslims, they disappear their own people. (See, China is ALSO, a murderous dictatorship. Get it yet?)

Africa, is their focus at present.


They've taken over major ports. They've built military bases. They're exploiting the people. They're just getting started.

Payback in some minds, for the century of humiliation.

I appreciate you kicking off your screed with a (shoehorned) racist caricature just to mark the water level in your brain pan.

Why is China evil? I guess is the topic now? Well, according to you, they want revenge. For what? That time we made them slaves and murdered them by the millions. And how are they going to get that revenge? By making financial investments in overseas ports.


The fuck? It took me a minute. Lol.

Who's racist?

Buddy person, words have different meanings. If you applied the visual meaning rather than the obvious intended meaning, buddy person, you, are the racist.

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