Donald Trump Suggests He Would Not Defend Taiwan From China

Beaver [she/her] to politics – 432 points –
Donald Trump suggests he would not defend Taiwan from China

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This kind of declarations are very dangerous and could lead to other countries to produce their own nuclear weapons (South Korea for example)

A bit different, but South Korea already asked the US to redeploy nuclear weapons to South Korea and im fairly positive the US already agreed.

I hope that if Trump wins the elections he don't reconsider this agreement

My friend... The gop's stated goals are to "dismantle the administrative state." That agreement won't be worth shit if he wins

They want to fire all federal employees, and shut down our regulatory agencies (or at the very least, cause them to grind to a halt). And the ones they do hire back will be "their people." In other words, sycophants who also want to dismantle the administrative state, but from the inside.

I'm sure it will be a GREATLY reduced workforce just to drive home to people how "ineffective" those agencies and systems of government are.

This is not a conspiracy theory, these are their stated policy goals. Don't let this "unity" bullshit coming from Trump post assassination attempt fool you. His campaign is clearly trying to distance themselves from their own stated policy goals because they know how unpopular they are. Take a moment to let that sink in...

The Heritage Foundation made the mistake of saying it out loud. I guess they thought there were more Republican voters that are like them (that is to say, evil, rather than just a working class person that's been misled into voting against their interests)

That agreement likely won't be worth the paper it's printed on. At least, if I were a foreign power, that's how I would be proceeding. As if these things do not exist. Because they won't.