Major IT outage affecting banks, airlines, media outlets across the world to – 1186 points –
Live: Major IT outage affecting banks, airlines, media outlets across the world

All our servers and company laptops went down at pretty much the same time. Laptops have been bootlooping to blue screen of death. It's all very exciting, personally, as someone not responsible for fixing it.

Apparently caused by a bad CrowdStrike update.

Edit: now being told we (who almost all generally work from home) need to come into the office Monday as they can only apply the fix in-person. We'll see if that changes over the weekend...


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On desktops, nobody does. Servers, yes, all the time.

Depends on your management solutions. Intel vPro can allow remote access like that on desktops & laptops even if they’re on WiFi and in some cases cellular. It’s gotta be provisioned first though.

Yeah, and no company in my experience bothers provisioning it. The cost of configuring and maintaining it exceeds the cost of handling failure events, even on large scales like this.

VPro is massively a desktop feature. Servers have proper IPMI/iDrac with more features, and VPro fills (part of) that management gap for desktops. It's pretty cool it's not spoiled or disabled. Time to reburn all the desktops in east-07? VPro will be the way.