Just got this message/survey from a Democratic PAC, who would you pick?

TokenBoomer@lemmy.world to Ask Lemmy@lemmy.world – 27 points –

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Yeah traitors want to argue the rest of us don't want nazis

I mean, ultimately, I'm voting for whoever the democrats put on the ticket for that very reason. However, I would really like to see someone who has a chance of winning be on that ticket instead of just watching the train wreck happen in front of us.

i dont want someone that old either. unfortunately, he is most likely to beat trump. can't see harris winning cause she is a woman and a minority and this country is still very racist/sexist. i also predict biden would step down shortly after 2nd term. worst case of biden winning is he dies in office of old age

Worst case of Biden is him losing like the polls indicate. Harris is not a suitable replacement either like you said. But there are plenty of others.

Like? Everyone wants to say there are others but can never name one

You're literally in a thread that started with a picture of names of others...

You, "literally", don't understand that this is the disunity that gop and outside powers want and rellying on to put Trump back in power.

The disunity that can be solved by Biden dropping? The GOP loves running against Biden. He's an easy target.

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