evergreen meme

db0@lemmy.dbzer0.com to Lefty Memes@lemmy.dbzer0.com – 743 points –

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  1. But there's the Leahy law, which is basically never applied to Israel but clearly makes it illegal to do so. Why does he ignore that?

  2. Great! But firstly, it isn't working and clearly he isn't using all available leverage (e.g. Leahy). And how is veto-ing UNSC resolutions for a cease fire (and Palestinian statehood, lol) helping this, exactly? Seems like the opposite.

3 to 6 is whataboutism. It's not relevant

7 - The issue here is that you're again assuming they won't vote for Biden when actually many of us will. If such a person will vote Biden, do you believe that they care?

You're pretending to care about genocide but you dismissed everything about it that would be worse if Trump is allowed to win as irrelevant?!! You don't care at all. Liar.

I care about the genocide which is actually happening right now and Biden is aiding and supporting. That's why I'm talking about that while you chose to pivot to talking about the election. Trump being worse does not excuse Biden. Or protect him from criticism. The fact that you didn't respond on any specifics and just doubled down on this "but Trump!" whataboutism is just sad.

I didn't dismiss those points, they are just not relevant to the discussion about Biden and Gaza.

When we're taking about the election It seems like I will totally agree with you.

Sorry, correction: you’re pretending to care about genocide but you dismissed everything about it that would be worse if Trump is allowed to win as whataboutism. You don’t care at all. Liar.


Ok now can we talk about Biden's failure?