Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis. to – 292 points –
Israel Bombs Yemen Saturday in Escalation with Houthis | Common Dreams

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You know one side is going to keep committing child murder on purpose until made to stop

Both are, but the occupation forces on a much larger scale.

looked children who were cowering in the eyes

Man, you REALLY seem to hate eye contact..

put their own children near their weapon stores

That's Hasbara bullshit. It's just what the IDF claims when they target schools and want to pretend that it's somehow justified.

Considering the last major hostage trade gave the children murders their chief child murderer back

Pretty sure Netanyahu has been safe in his palace this whole time

I would not want to arrange another trade of child murderers for civilians who did nothing wrong other than be close to them

You know that the Israeli military prisons are full of tens of thousands of innocent civilians arrested, tortured, and raped by the IDF for just being at the wrong place (which is often their own home) at the wrong time, right?

Of course you don't. Because the IDF never lie and every human rights group is Hamas 🙄

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