OpenMandriva ROME 24.07 Released – OpenMandriva to – 49 points –

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How do the 'offspring' of Mandrake/Mandriva compare to one another? IIRC, there's ALT, Mageia, OpenMandriva, PCLinuxOS and ROSA.

I've also come to the understanding that what set Mandrake apart from its peers was its polish and user-friendliness. Which, harbored a great community back in the days. Currently, however, this role is fulfilled by distros like Linux Mint. Furthermore, most distros are relatively straightforward anyways. So, my other questions would be:

  • Could the argument be made that Linux Mint is the actual spiritual successor to Mandrake?
  • Are the Mandrake-offspring's most compelling raison d'être that they're Mandrake's offspring?
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