The Bigger The Theft, The Lighter The Sentence? to Lefty – 1044 points –

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Remember - they didn't throw Martin Skhreli into rich-guy's prison because he caused thousands of people to die by raising the prices on lifesaving medicines out of reach of poor folk... no, no, no, they threw him into rich guy's prison because he embezzled some of his fellow rich parasites' money.

The way it looks is the way it is.

Fuck the poor, get rich

Fuck the rich, go to prison.

I might get in trouble for this, but if I ever see Skhreli in person, I'll do my best to make sure his nose lays flat across his cheek. He's a garbage being that's less than rats

Make sure to use a blunt instrument - you don't want to be touching that toxic thing with your bare hands.

Boxing gloves protect your hands and allow you to hit harder. Doubly so if you're holding a roll of quarters in each palm

I've been told a sock full of oranges doesn't leave a bruise