"It's not that complicated": Pete Buttigieg on why a gay billionaire is backing JD Vance

return2ozma@lemmy.world to politics @lemmy.world – 249 points –
"It's not that complicated": Pete Buttigieg on why a gay billionaire is backing JD Vance

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Peter Thiel is also a neo-Nazi. Don't let his suit and tie and fancy degrees fool you.

Nazis, neo or otherwise, think of being gay as a mental illness. Being a billionaire might insulate Thiel from the face eating leopards, but only in so far as the leopards have other targets. Neo Nazis are going to clean up house of minorities and gays once they have sufficient legal foothold.

As for conservatives, they don’t care about how much money someone else has, but rather how much they can use someone else’s money.

As a billionaire, you're putting forward 99% of the world as targets first. His life isn't in any danger from them.

Not necessarily, given enough legal framework to support the action of nazi like groups, rich people (including billionaires) would become the target of other rich people or billionaires

Edit some historical context:

That’s what happened in Nazi Germany. The Jewish people were robbed of their wealth and priceless heirlooms. Not only that but the possessions of Jewish people were tallied up so that “wealth would not be stolen from the state”

See here: https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Nazi_plunder

Also happened with IP: https://blogs.loc.gov/copyright/2022/04/the-seizure-of-jewish-intellectual-property-ahead-of-world-war-ii/

In 1938, the Nazi government moved to hasten and complete the ‘Aryanisation of Jewish property’. In April a decree issued by Nazi leader Hermann Goering ordered Jews to compile and submit details of all private property valued at in excess of 5,000 Reichsmarks. Source https://alphahistory.com/holocaust/jewish-property-seizures/

A book for anyone interested in the subject https://www.cambridge.org/us/universitypress/subjects/history/twentieth-century-european-history/robbing-jews-confiscation-jewish-property-holocaust-19331945/

They're willing to tolerate gay people so long as they're racist...well for a while anyway. I mean Ernst Rohm was head of the SA (brown shirts) under Hitler.

Right and soon as they have a legal framework for dealing with the first undesirable, they’ll just move on to the next one

Being a billionaire might insulate Thiel from the face eating leopards, but only in so far as the leopards have other targets.

The Catholics might think they can preach against homosexuality, but eventually they're going to discover that their congregants won't put up with all the homosexuality in the priesthood. Maybe not today, but possibly within the next 1500 years. And then won't they fell bad about what they've done.

Yes, that’s kind of what’s happening now.

According to the studies, “self-identified homosexual orientation is notably more common among ordinations that occurred before the year 2000—between 11 and 15 percent—than it is after 2000 (2–3 percent),” he wrote. “The same is true of respondents’ selection of the category ‘somewhere in between, but more on the homosexual side,’ the response given by 7–9 percent of respondents with pre-2000 ordinations but only 3.2–3.5 percent of those more recently ordained.”


There’s also growing support in some cases, but with mixed results


He subscribes to a branch of neo-reactionary politics coined "dark enlightenment" that basically rejects liberalism. In short, these fine fellows believe that we should be their literal serfs in a neo-feudal society. I think point for point, their ideology is even more fucked up than fascism.

Even serfs had to be treated halfways decently by their lords or they risked being overthrown or having no one left to work their land. With this capitalist dystopia we don't even get that.