[Mega thread] - Biden ends bid for presidency

Thekingoflorda@lemmy.worldmod to News@lemmy.world – 1030 points –

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My first reaction was that he was hacked. It wasn't on official letterhead, there was no other announcement, and the president didn't immediately make another tweet/x/whatever.

I don't think I'm alone. Typically when something big like this happens, I get 5-10 news alerts within minutes of each other from various sources. The alerts were slow to roll in today.

I mean, it took me 12+ hours to hear that Trump had been shot.

Yeah but you aren’t a news junkie who enables notifications from a bunch of news outlets, I take it?

Is it reading the news or posting it that drives you?

Considering I’ve had the same notifications enabled for over a decade and only started posting here to try and make it active like Reddit… the news?