Dems Mock Trump as ‘Too Old’ to Run—Like He Did to Biden to politics – 1252 points –
Dems Mock Trump as ‘Too Old’ to Run—Like He Did to Biden

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I think most people had no idea he was significantly declining, hence the astonishment at the debate. And some people around him seem to have been encouraging the denial (or worse). I'm unclear if he was doing better many months ago before primaries.

I can't imagine how insulated and reliant on advisors and other employees the president becomes. Quickly surrounded by people who have no interest in being the bearer of bad news. Probably akin to billionaires, and we see what they mutate into (some kind of Musk-like creature).

I'm so relieved that Biden was able to come to this painful decision, even if it was late. On the bright side, at least there's less time for the GOP to smear the new nominee. And no more televised convention for them to host the lies for free.

There was a significant effort to hide Biden's disability. The upper echelons in the Dem party have a lot to answer for.

You think the Repubs are ever gonna even put in any effort to hide Trumps disability?

Cos frankly, it's starting to feel like it doesn't matter when it's their king. what are your thoughts? Does trump suffer from entropy like the rest of us?

It's one of those things, strategy. If I point out an obvious flaw in the Dem's candidate, it doesn't follow that the opposition is superior. Trump can rot in hell for all I care. I don't give a tin shit about his plan or strategy. I just want the best person the Dems can find to take him down. Pretty simple really.

But you realise that having discussions like that on open public forums just legitimises the particularly twisted viewpoints of maga people then... Surely.

There are only gonna be 2 people (realistically) in the race if you truly care about what you claim... Then fuck no do the dem party not have shit all to answer for.. not when you compare them to maga.

And like you said. Strategy. That's all thats important for Americans right now.

For goodness sake. It's not just the MAGA lunatics. The whole world saw the debate. People like you are asking us to disbelieve our own eyes. Being a realist doesn't make you an enemy.

Anyway, chill, the problem has been resolved and the orange ape is going down. Unity is the watchword. The only old fluck in the race in Trump.

The whole world has been watching trump for the last 8 years... If you think that isn't worlds more embarrassing for USA.. you have no idea.

Biden messing up a word here and there in that debate was NOTHING compared to the recorder behaviours of Trump while in office.

Yet dumb Americans thought that is what should be discussed. It's literally insane, watching from the outside.

It's literally not worth even discussing, when the opponent is trump. The laundry list of reasons is so much longer and more important..

I didn't watch the debate, but I did see several articles noting that while everyone was fixated on Biden's poor performance, Trump got away with multiple lies. It's so frustrating.

Yeah right. Biden looked lost and uncomprehending. But sure, nobody saw a damn thing. Our eyes were lying to us. Fasenating.


Why are you trying to move the goalposts? Is that all you have...

(It's spelled fascinating)

Of course i saw bidens performance. Are you saying that Trump is a better candidate?!

Sorry on vacation without glasses.

Yep, Trump is a horror story.

Don't know what you are talking about. I think that the issue is now resolved. They just left things on hold for too long.

I'm talking about the race for the presidency and public discourse around it, with special consideration for the amount of Americans that are maga people despite trumps behaviour.

An inordinate amount of Americans are now pushing for a king. I think the nuances of the democratic party is so low on the discussion totem pole of shit that needs to be discussed more.

He's just disabled. He's just old, like Trump.