so who else has decided to learn German due to the number of German language posts? to Ask – 230 points –

I mean I was planning to visit in the next couple of years anyway I guess....


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Does anyone know what is the deal with the images (I assume it’s some kind of German meme) of people or characters with instant ramen on their head?

The noodles are just my signature. So just ignore the noodels. They have nothing todo with the meme directly. I just place them on the head of whoever in the meme is me.

Haha all this time I thought it was some widespread cultural reference. Thanks for all the OC!

No problem. Sadly in the last time I post less because I kinda made all of my meme ideas haha

Creativity comes and goes. I don't like the internet's culture of forcing content creators to produce no matter what because it leads to poor quality. The ideas will come back

Might be the wrong answer, but I think it's kind of a signature of the creator... Sth with insta in his name

Ding ding ding You are Correct!! :D All the memes with instant noodels are from me. Its my signature. :)