Dems Mock Trump as ‘Too Old’ to Run—Like He Did to Biden to politics – 1252 points –
Dems Mock Trump as ‘Too Old’ to Run—Like He Did to Biden

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Again, for the record, Peter Cooper is the record holder for oldest Nominee. Trump is second and Biden is third(albeit Biden is still older by the Reagan metric of end of office if Trump ends up losing or dies midway through). If you wanna say oldest REPUBLICAN ever go for it, that's a far safer claim that's not made incorrect thanks to Peter Cooper or vulnerable to debating the exact definition like Biden is(like he was A Nominee in the primaries, he just didn't become THE Nominee). Also making this argument makes the 'Biden should resign' thing worse so, maybe hold off on that. There's plenty of legitimate anti-Trump arguments that can be expressed as simple factual statements. Trump is rapist. No need to get into the age shit

The reason for the push on age, I feel, is that the trump campaign has gotten his followers chanting the issue for a month. The talking heads got the sheep saying it, and if the sheep hear the same problem with trump there is already a mental framework that was heavily pushed by their trusted sources. The back peddling and justifications can cause voter apathy. That’s the goal for both parties this time, as if you back trump you can’t think your way out of it and if you don’t you can’t think your way in. I feel the theme of the 2024 election is “your guy sucks, you should stay home.”

Just maybe hold off then, if Biden fucking croaks or something it'll make the Democrats look worse for not taking their guy's age seriously. Make sure he's fine and not COVIDous for a few days

Democrats have been concerned with his age, it was being taken seriously, hence the calls for him to pass the torch. I think his age was being taken seriously. While he was the presumptive nominee, he would have had my vote because I believe Trump should never ever be allowed to serve again. I've said I'd have voted for a dead frog before I'd vote for Trump and that wasn't a joke.

I don't think it's hypocrisy to support the candidate you have been given, until he isn't the candidate any longer.

I do see your point; I believe that it is the perception of many outside the Democrat party.

I'm just pointing out that the base line statement is wrong. If you wanna say 'Oldest Republican Nominee Ever" there is literally zero wiggle room on that, unblockable. Otherwise they can either say Biden is older right now and still fit to serve(or bring up that he was Trump's age back in 2022 and they said he was fine), OR just pull up Cooper. Also I happen to like Peter Cooper. Look at the beard on that lad. That's the one fact he has going for him and if people forget that he'll be gone faster than JFK being known for being a catholic.

How about Trump is the oldest nominee of any major political party? Would that be accurate?

Or the oldest nominee in living memory?

Mostly true. You could argue if Major Primary Contenders should be counted(Top 3 would be unchanged) and Biden is still the older President, Trump would have to win and make it to his 4th and final year to beat that. Reagan issue, people debated the definition back in 2016 too.

Considering they said nominee, not major party, I think maybe major party nominee should not be counted.

The definition of major party was fuzzy back in the civil war reconstruction era

He was nominated by the Greenback party, (third party) running against the Democrat and Republican nominees. He had less than 1% chance to win according to his wiki. I'd say that no matter how fuzzy the definition of major party is, the Greenbacks weren't that.

He sounds like he was an intelligent person who was concerned with social justice, especially for the native tribes.

Fair enough, but still, saying Trump is the oldest nominee ever, period, is wrong. He's Number 2(albeit he'd have to last his whole term to beat Biden, similar to his prior age thing with Reagan in 2016) behind Cooper.