US Public Rapidly Sours on Project 2025 as Awareness Grows to politics – 1004 points –
US Public Rapidly Sours on Project 2025 as Awareness Grows | Common Dreams

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How am I going to lock down my eighteen year old trad wife now?

Eighteen? Have you SEEN how hard they push to drop the age of consent?!

To the Gilead crowd, if she's not on her 2nd child by 18 then they send the council around to find out why.

I think states with 18 is already a minority

and oh my it is so amusing to see the politicians from such states defend it with weird scenario after weird scenario while still shuffling off their underaged daughters to wealthy middle aged ranchers.

Eighteen year old? Really?

Edit: like the other replies, I was also going for a joke about how 18 was too old for them, but nobody bit on my two-part misdirection setup so they beat me to it. : (