Trump, 78, just called himself a 'fine and brilliant young man' to politics – 546 points –
Trump, 78, just called himself a 'fine and brilliant young man'
  • With Joe Biden out of the race, Donald Trump has become the oldest presidential nominee ever.
  • Trump's now facing off against Kamala Harris, 59, a woman decades younger.
  • On Monday, Trump called himself a "fine and brilliant young man" while criticizing Harris.

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Not fine.
Not brilliant.
Not young.
Depending on the definition of “Man”, not one of those either.

He identified as a man and his chosen pronouns are he/him. The right love it when we clarify this.

Yeah but gender/sex aside, the term “be a man” or “man up” can also mean to not be a coward or a weakling. He has yet to not be a cowardly weakling- so by that definition, not a man.

Eh. Let's not gatekeep what being a man is. :p

Convicted Criminal and Sex Offender Treason Trump is always the exact opposite of what he calls himself.

"very stable genius"? Nope. Deranged idiot.