Do you use the swipe to type feature on your phone? to No Stupid – 376 points –

Is this how most people type on mobile these days, drawing lines all over a keyboard instead of tapping the individual keys? I've never had an iPhone so I don't even know if they can do this natively, but I know you can switch keyboards at least, so it should still be an option if not.


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I'm on Android and I swipe mostly unless autocorrect doesn't give me the word I wanted. Very good for one-handed typing.

One handed and to a degree even without looking. I checked before sending, but this text right here has been written without looking at the keyboard.

It's the only way I could have typed anything of substance for the past 2 months with a fractured elbow.

I don't understand how with all the ai we have not it can't auto correct properly with the context of the sentence, but I still can't use letter typing as an alternative, it's too slow