Forget star signs, what key do you press to wake up your computer from sleep? to Ask – 214 points –

Personally I press Ctrl


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I spam escape but I usally disable sleep on all my machines and use hibernation instead. Too many issues with sleep. Randomly wakes up, USB devices aren't recognized, a monitor stays black...

I wouldn't hibernate on an m2ssd qlc degradation killed my samsung 980 pro. it got corrupt sectors so bad that the samsung magician software just gives up after scanning

Wasn't that the drive that got insane write amplification due to a firmware bug?

Edit: yup, definitely wasn't cuz you were actually writing to it an unusual amount. Those drives would wear themselves out during normal use for seemingly no reason. I've been hibernating to a WD Black for years, and it's fine.

I've updated the firmware the same week it was reported in tech news, still bsods randomly. I use a new drive now

The firmware update couldn't fix damage that had already been done.

The bugged firmware was actually killing the drives by wearing them out prematurely.

The fixed firmware only stopped damaging the NAND storage, but there is no way for it to undo damage that had already occurred.

An ssd functioning normally can deal with years and years of daily hibernating.

That sucks but as another said that seemed to have been a firmware bug. I have hibernated thousands of times with 32GB RAM and had no SSD die on me yet.