Forget star signs, what key do you press to wake up your computer from sleep? to Ask – 214 points –

Personally I press Ctrl


Usually space

Same here. Whenever I need to wake up my PC I send it on a suborbital spaceflight. The forces of launch and reentry move the mouse a lot and it wakes up once I recover it from the ocean.

I move the mouse.

My computer always drops the first character or two when waking, making me screw up my password. So I wiggle the mouse and by the time my hand is back on the keyboard I can type my password with confidence.

At work I just start typing the password. Sometimes I am faster than the screen coming back to life

I pick up the mouse, hold it to my mouth and say, "Computer...?”

Space key. That way it won't accidentally enter an actual letter or command that could be passed to the current active application.

That's not really much of a problem anymore these days (serious issue in WinXP era), but it's still the safe key, so I use it.

Edit: I totally botched this. I meant Shift key. Derp.

Space bar is "accept" in many interfaces. If the screen was off but not locked, and a dialog box was focused, hitting space will submit that in some OS.

Control, on the other hand, won't.

I always wake up with space and I have had that problem once. That was on a PC that was installing using PXE.

Otherwise my PC is pretty much always locked if the screen has gone to sleep.

I remember one time when I was a youth trying to fix my dad's computer, he tried to wake it with the space bar. The screen came on and that space bar cancelled some long running operation. Woops.

I like ctrl as well.

Less alarming and obtrusive. To the computer? For me?

I prefer left Ctrl, but will press the right ctrl if I'm feeling wild that day.

This is a great question.

I love them question.

I’m a left CTRL grill. It doesn’t press things that might input text or navigate. It’s a humble modification-key.

Shift because it can't trigger an action on its own.

Using space, enter, control, or alt can trigger functions in windows if another key is stuck for a weird reason.

Me too for same reason. Also I am shifting the computer out of being asleep (ok I made that up)

this is the way. or Ctrl.

Ctrl can run functions which it why it is in the list.

what list? ctrl is a modifier key

The list in my comment.

im not sifting through your comments to find this "list". ctrl is a modifier key, doesn't return anything and i've been using it for over a decade just fine.


Look at the top level comment for the list.

Idk man, I dont see a list either

Edit: ah, looks like boost is trying but failing to display the "HTML" you wrote lmao

are you not understanding that i don't care about your list? im good.

They're talking about the comment you replied to originally, not some other thread

it wasn't there when I replied, it was edited after.


The comment isn't edited, or at least it's not marked as edited. Some evil minded person or government hacked the system to make you look like a fool.

Either that or you didn't read it the first time around carefully enough. We'll never know.

I'm guessing their app filtered the HTML-like markup.

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Damn you're such a hard case... Not caring about the... the comment that you chose to reply to... Apparently without reading it.

You really showed someone, I guess

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sfg [waggle mouse] qqwthr

ctrl is the only correct choice obviously. it's the only key that does nothing by itself and it's positioned at a corner so it's hard to mistype

Whatever method gets the job done is fine but this is the most correct answer.

Space - The Final Frontier

These are the voyages...


They're big enough I don't have to aim. They're located on both edges (at least on TKL). They do nothing on their own.

Yeah I really expected this to be the vast majority of answers, it just makes the most sense. Ctrl is too small and space will type a space into my password box that I'll have to delete before I can unlock my screen

Control is easier for me to hit because it's the corner of the keyboard.

I hit Shift+Ctrl 3 times. Its easy enough and the pattern works on my desktops and laptops so I only have to remember one behavior to wake up all my devices

Does that still do the sticky keys thing on windows? We used to turn that on so it would make noises in like high school, because we were a bunch of gremlins.

i mean, the question was about waking my computer up from sleep. I don't think that would trigger sticky keys, even on windows.

I shake the mouse then start entering my login before the screen turns on, works 50% of the time.

Any single modifier key by itself, in case it’s just the screen that’s asleep and I’m inadvertently typing into a text field.

I always turn off my computer when I'm done. I like to get a fresh boot

+1 to linux - windows requires a reboot *by default these days to get a fresh boot, go figure.

My machine's boot time is pretty fast because of Linux.

Wake from sleep will always be faster, regardless of the OS.

I was pointing out that a "fresh boot" on windows isn't what people think it is any more *by default

was pointing out that a “fresh boot” on windows isn’t what people think it is any more.

You can just turn off fast startup if you care that much. Generally there isn't a reason to do that though.

Even without fast boot, this is what Windows does. Shutdown = hibernate, restart = fresh boot 🤷‍♂️

Do you mean quick boot? Because that can be disabled.

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My 2 year old, when prompted to hit any key, hit the power button instead.

Anyway, the answer is a swift kick of my desk to move my mouse cause that seems to wake it up.

I shake the mouse

Then sometimes it doesn't work and you just end up looking like a frantic mousemoving maniac.

I always shutdown even for a short break.

I spam escape but I usally disable sleep on all my machines and use hibernation instead. Too many issues with sleep. Randomly wakes up, USB devices aren't recognized, a monitor stays black...

I wouldn't hibernate on an m2ssd qlc degradation killed my samsung 980 pro. it got corrupt sectors so bad that the samsung magician software just gives up after scanning

Wasn't that the drive that got insane write amplification due to a firmware bug?

Edit: yup, definitely wasn't cuz you were actually writing to it an unusual amount. Those drives would wear themselves out during normal use for seemingly no reason. I've been hibernating to a WD Black for years, and it's fine.

I've updated the firmware the same week it was reported in tech news, still bsods randomly. I use a new drive now

The firmware update couldn't fix damage that had already been done.

The bugged firmware was actually killing the drives by wearing them out prematurely.

The fixed firmware only stopped damaging the NAND storage, but there is no way for it to undo damage that had already occurred.

An ssd functioning normally can deal with years and years of daily hibernating.

That sucks but as another said that seemed to have been a firmware bug. I have hibernated thousands of times with 32GB RAM and had no SSD die on me yet.

I stomp on my usb foot pedal

Uuu, nice. Always wanted one of those. What do you use yours for?

I use mine for Star Power in Clone Hero (Guitar Hero-ish game)

Way back in the day I always wanted one to use as my push to talk key for Ventrilo... But these days with noise reduction algorithms, boom mics with cardioid sensitivity spaces, and adjustable activation threshold, I just leave my mic on auto activate.

I should probably find something else to use it for...

Been using spacebar but what I would like to do is set up a midi drum pad as an input device so I can wake my computer up by smacking it with a stick.

Backspace, because my cat likes to step on my keyboard and then characters are often left in the password field that need cleared.

Depends the OS.

Windows its Space

On Linux shift since space will fill in the password field with spaces

In the first second I was taken aback by such a silly decision from the designers' part, but then I realised it was actually a cool idea; you don't have to wake up your computer. You just start typing immediately. How cool is that?

... Also, why the heck do you need to start with shift then? : )

Because years ago I made my PC password with Capslock on since a warning would show.

So genius 13 year old me said, "hey even if someone knew my password, they'd never know how it was inputted."

So my actual wake key is capslock.

Only my PC uses this old password method now, everything else is passphrase+uniquekey

Like google+lemmyworld

Wait... You guys actually only push one button?

I slide my entire hand across the keyboard like I'm waving to the computer haha

Escape is kinda hardcoded as a safe button in my headspace and spacebar is just fun to press.

Esc like 3-5 times (to also prompt the login input) or mouse wiggle

I'm a mad man I click different shit every time.

The power button. I've disabled usb-wake because my wireless mouse keeps waking up my computer

Same problem, now I just flip it upside down when not in use.

Space. On my mechanical keyboard it makes a nice thunk. You really know you've pressed it.

Left arrow up arrow right arrow. over and over and over again until the computer comes up

Caps lock because it doesn't do anything like enter or other keys might do and if I see the light blink then I know that the computer/keyboard is not frozen.

Interestingly, I use the shift key for the same reason of "it does nothing". Who knows if I left half a command in the terminal or something like that. I don't have a caps lock led, but that's a good idea!

I've never heard of a frozen keyboard. That is definitely not an issue to worry about every single time anyway.

Plus when it works you need a second press to turn it back off before entering the password. Way too much work.

I usually use the up key as that is one of the few buttons I know of that will open the password field (I'm assuming down also works, but I haven't tried many others). I usually turn my monitor off (can't just leave it on as it's in my room and if a cat moves their ear too quickly that will wake up the screen and I can't have that while I'm comfortable in bed) at night, so the first time I use it in a day I will turn it on, smack the up arrow and the login screen is gone before the screen turns on all the way. Which is a little sad I don't get to see it much since I did pick out a theme and background for it, but can't be helped.

Wireless keyboards go to sleep and can disconnect. Modern ones are sometimes smart/quick enough to send the first keypress but older ones less so. Also if the computer's off spamming caps lock won't turn on the light and let you know to hit the power button.

I hit the "wake on lan" icon on my phone, since my computer is in a different room from my monitor and the usb doesn't work for waking it up directly. But if I could, left ctrl all day!

Idk how anyone does anything else. It’s in the corner, easy to hit…. It’s basically only a modifier key, so it will do nothing but wake the computer.

I don’t want to type a space, or accidentally close something.

I have a BLE keyboard and a BLE trackball, so they lose connection when PC is sleeping. To wake it up I press the power button

i rapidly press as many keys as i can within a 1 second time frame

or i just slam the enter key a few times

Ctrl to wake the screen, system set to never sleep. Stupid Plex running on Windows addiction.

Mash low in the corner.

Probably a combo of Ctrl-shift-alt-super-z-x-space

I know, much barbarian.

If it's suspended I usually open my laptop. If its just locked/screen off I put in my password and press enter because GDM doesn't need to be first "woken up" before entering the password.

So it's "the first letter in my password" which is .....


Getting ready for the downvotes… I put my finger on the touch-id sensor of the wireless keyboard.

On my Linux laptops, I usually swipe on the trackpad or track point. If that doesn’t do anything, one of the ctrl keys.

Haven't seen anyone else comment this, I mash all arrow keys

Originally I got into this habit thinking that arrow keys would do nothing, and in most interfaces they don't, but I have learned the hard way they certainly do stuff when watching YouTube.

However it's too late and too embedded in my brain to wake my PC by mashing arrow keys so that is my life

I always hit an arrow key. Just in case it's not actually asleep but just turned off the display, and I don't want to accidentally start typing into something without seeing the screen yet. It's like, 99% unsubstantiated paranoia, admittedly.

I smash the arrow keys like I’m playing a synthesizer.

My desktop pc doesn't wake up from keyboard inputs, so the power button. On my laptop I just open the lid.

It doesn't? It should, you might want to check your settings

I mean, I'm fine with it, since it means no accidental keyboard presses. It might have something to do with the USB receiver being powered off, so the keyboard might try to enter some kind of "pairing mode"

Mash the DEL key, because it skips the prompt to click OK to login, and takes me straight to password entry.

Control and alt .Bonus: To move to the bottom of a terminal, I have it set to scroll to bottom on input and hit backspace.


It's least likely to mess up your command line, won't trigger an action, and easy to find blind.

Numlock. Let's me know if the hardware is locked up, powered off, or just slow to wake.

Sleep? I run Linux. It's on. Or it's off. So power? I guess?

Linux has sleep tho

Sure does, if your motherboard plays nicely with it.

Personally, my acer laptop doesn't; if it goes into sleep mode, I have to hard-reset it to get it working again.

Womp womp

That sucks

If only there were some standard that companies could follow for the advanced configuration of power interfaces.

My PC dual functions as a server so it never sleeps

I use a macbook for work, so I lightly tap the power button and touchID unlocks it.

Power. I'm weird like that, I guess.

I also use power - I've disabled waking from keyboard or mouse input, because cat.

Tip for those with cats in their household: don't buy a PC case with the power button on top

I'm so surprised people have specific buttons? Is there a reason? I just mash my whole hand at the keyboard

Idk habbit I guess. IT just feels wrong pressing anything else.

Waking up is hardware encoded to the mouse button, keys are secondary.... It's mentioned on that 'daves garrage' YouTube channel with the guy who was a dev for windows 95.

Numpad Enter, its a large Key on the edge of the Keyboard i guess?

My machine is dual boot and boots so fast I don't sleep it. If booting to linux, after login it resumes my previous session exactly as it was anyway. No point sleeping it to me.

I don’t sleep my computer because I have more ram than is advisable to have if you are going to fully sleep the computer.

Control, but I have Caps Lock and my right control key swapped, so physically the Caps Lock key.

It also doesn't really "wake" my computer. When I lock my desktop, I have the operation also set up to enable DPMS with a short timeout, so my monitor also powers down if I'm not typing for a few seconds. When I come back, I just smack Control to make the monitor power on and make my screen locker show an indication that it's active. Unlocking the screen locker disables DPMS, so once the system's unlocked, I don't need to tap anything to wake the monitor.

None! And the sucker still wakes up all the time.

Control. I'm mildly paranoid any other key will actually go through and type/do something.

I also use Ctrl, or I waggle my mouse to wake both it and my PC (it's wireless).

Win/Super key

I find that pretty safe.

Am I the only one that just kind throws my hand on the keyboard and what happens happens?

Ctrl+Alt+delete for my work computer so I can go straight to password input.
Space for my home computer.

I thump my water bottle down on the desk just hard enough to make my mouse trigger and wake up the PC. By the time I'm sat comfortably it's awaiting a password :]

Right arrow. Wake on mouse disabled because cats. Right arrow is on the bottom right corner and convenient to hit when pulling the keyboard tray out.

If there is a pin set, decimal on the numpad, else Ctrl or ESC.

Esc, t, or I move the mouse. Depends on my goal when I'm waking it up.

probably J, since thats where my right hand rests.

I just drop my schweaty balls on the keyboard

First thing I do on any computer that I'm using (work, home) is turning sleep and suspend off. When it's a laptop I disable that closing the lid suspends the laptop. I hate it when I'm moving to a meeting room the thing shuts off. It spins up quickly, but network or whatever is gone, plus gotta unlock it again. Nay.

On other devices, it's moving the mouse first to see if it's not the monitor that went in standby, if that doesn't work I go ham on the spacebar. Finally, the power button if space does nothing, to admit defeat.

My PC just never sleeps.

I just change the TV input to PC IN and it's already on.

Any key at the corner. Usually arrow right. It doesn't mess up my password during the time it is waking up where I'm unsure if it is missing one or two characters. Sometimes also [ or control or fn or even backspace depending which keyboard I'm using.

The only correct answer is num lock. Caps lock is sort of correct, but it's a stupid key on anything that's not a typewriter so I usually disable it so the only correct answer is num lock. No exceptions.

My keyboard doesn't even have a numlock. Your's is not the correct answer after all.

TKL? That's your own fault for buying a defective keyboard that's missing a whole section just because of aesthetics.

excuse me?

In case you're wondering, it does have a number pad. You just hold down one of the keys to access it.

Haha, I knew I can trigger one of you guys :-)

Jokes aside that's an awesome keyboard, just not a useful one to 99% of users out there and I can honestly say I'm on the opposite end of customization spectrum. I have 2 aliases in my bashrc, but if I need to switch to a new computer I can be up and running in 15 minutes while the rest of the team needs 2 days. And even though I've had the same computer for the last 5 years, I don't work noticeably slower than anyone with a ton of customization on their pc.

I'm a programmer and spend way too much time typing, here's my 2 cents on numpads

  • You have to move further whenever you reach for the mouse, which is bad for your shoulders over time
  • You get less space for a mouse on smaller desks which is annoying for KB+mouse games
  • Alpha keys being off-center is also bad for posture over time.

If I used a numpad it would probably have to be on the left side but honestly I'll realistically move over to a split setup like the one in the other comment before I get a numpad. Until then, 65/75% keyboards ftw.

I have a split keyboard, but it includes a num pad. To be fair I was mostly kidding. I realize there are as many opinions on the keyboard as there are people. I also write code occasionally for work, but I wouldn't sacrifice num pad for space.

Aesthetics? it's smaller.

I understand, but I'd rather lose the space for mouse next to keyboard than the num pad and I don't even work with spreadsheets.

Home laptop, power button. Work computer, CTRL-ALT twice brings the login screen.

I've always used Ctrl for that. I had my computer for 2 years before I discovered that Ctrl is the "wake from sleep" key, and no other keys would work anyway. (it's a thinkpad)

Spacebar sometimes but usually I just smack the keyboard randomly until it wakes up lol

I make certain to always press a different key every time. I use a keyboard overlay to help keep track, by punching out the key that I just pressed. What happens when I get through them all? First, I cycle through in a unique ordering - by printing off a new overlay ofc - and then when I'm through with that, I know that it's time to get a new keyboard. Btw I'm just kidding, if you couldn't tell 🤣.

If you mean actual sleep, as in S3 sleep, that would be the power button as I disable waking from sleep from anything else as I don't like the PC waking up from accidental keyboard key presses or mouse movements.

If you mean when the monitor goes to sleep, it's the shift key that I mash. Yes, that means on Windows I always have to disable that stupid shortcut to enable StickyKeys.

Doesn't respond to mouse movements only mouse clicks and keyboard presses.

I press A. Keyboard wakes up the computer but mouse doesn't, both USB and same brand.