Forget star signs, what key do you press to wake up your computer from sleep? to Ask – 214 points –

Personally I press Ctrl


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im not sifting through your comments to find this "list". ctrl is a modifier key, doesn't return anything and i've been using it for over a decade just fine.


Look at the top level comment for the list.

Idk man, I dont see a list either

Edit: ah, looks like boost is trying but failing to display the "HTML" you wrote lmao

are you not understanding that i don't care about your list? im good.

They're talking about the comment you replied to originally, not some other thread

it wasn't there when I replied, it was edited after.


The comment isn't edited, or at least it's not marked as edited. Some evil minded person or government hacked the system to make you look like a fool.

Either that or you didn't read it the first time around carefully enough. We'll never know.

I'm guessing their app filtered the HTML-like markup.

Damn you're such a hard case... Not caring about the... the comment that you chose to reply to... Apparently without reading it.

You really showed someone, I guess