
52 Post – 270 Comments
Joined 1 years ago

Also on Tumblr @nick-nonya

here's a better quality pic

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aw fuck yea stick gun

thankfully no, i'm just trying to run a Twine game on it

most enlightening

the pngtuber while describing the most horrid crime imaginable:

Me, an Eldrich abomimation of unthinkable age:
Y̴̖̏'̷͔̂ ̶̬͐Y̷͆ͅ'̴̙̈́ ̶͚͐a̸̛̹h̶̢̎ ̷̟̀ǎ̷̳h̴̺̉ ̴̨̀n̸̖̚ǎ̴͈f̷̼̌l̵̿͜ ̷̯͒Y̴̬͝'̷̥̐ ̵͈̅ê̷̖p̵̨̾h̷͎́a̵̘͠i̴͓͛a̶͕͋h̷̨͛ ̸̇͜Ÿ̷̠'̷͈̃ ̶̖̈e̷̳̊p̴̹͐h̸̠̅a̸̳̚ị̶̃n̸̹͋ȧ̸̞f̸͉̄ĺ̷̗ ̸̻̅Y̷͚͒'̸̪͆ ̴̬̄a̶͚͆h̸̨͑ ̷̣̄p̴̟̃h̸͖̾'̵͓̑ņ̷̄g̴̺̏ĺ̵͔u̴͔̅ï̶͕ ̸̮͗ă̷̠h̵̦̓ ̴̓͜Y̶͍̓'̷̨̾ ̶͇̈p̴̪̈́ḩ̴̎'̸̼̇n̴͍̾g̷͍͋l̶͓̏ṳ̴̄í̴͕ ̴̠͝a̶̤̓h̴̤̒ ̸̤́e̴͚̊r̴̠̃ę̷͗y̸̥͠

"yes because he's rolling it down a hill for once"

- someone on tumblr

Kirby style

when your friend says something kinda foxish and you hit them with the lagomorph stare

the lion is a symbol of pride

it's official in my heart

♫ makin my way downtown ♫

on my end pictures are just a custom link with an exclamation point added to the start, so ![image description here](image url here)

this is what the company behind this says it's useful for:

Wildfire Control and Prevention
Agricultural Management
Ecological Conservation
Snow and Ice Removal
Entertainment and SFX

first two sound pretty reasonable to me, as someone with a very basic understanding of wildfire control.
snow and ice removal, i mean it's definitely gonna do that but i can't think of any place where it would be necessary to use a robot dog for it.
the last one's self explanatory.

i'd love to be optimistic and say that this robot will only get used for harmless or good deeds but i know this thing is already being retrofitted by cops to shoot tear gas or some bullshit

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proton and wine are great but far from perfect.
i wanted to play a small indie game demo just a few days ago, installed it through proton and it didn't have audio. ran it through wine and that was even worse. the overhead of a vm is too much for my machine to run games well

i know i was asking if it was theoretically possible

he needs to make money off of it so he can fund future research! don't question why our global economic model relies on made up numbers being met before actual life saving work is done! or why the numbers need to be in the hands of a dozen guys in the first place

yea i know i meant it as a way to speed up dualbooting. cos having to shut down an os to get to the other one is a bit annoying

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linux mint and windows for gaming

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there are queer people in Palestine too, it's not like the missles are dodging them

two hours later

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since those bottom ones are hard to read:

benoit blanc figures out you're trans because he's a gay southern man. he knows.

House puts you down for an orchi before
you even realize you're trans

BBC sherlock calls you a slur

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tweet by @stealthygeek: First, they came for the transgender, and I spoke out immediately even though I'm straight and cis because I've read the rest of the fucking poem.

what have i done

in case the Wikipedia article is too hard to read:

in 1983 GAR built an enclosed water slide called the Cannonball Loop. This was not unusual for that time. In fact, the park already had several such slides. On this one, however, they decided to build a complete vertical loop at the end, similar to that of a roller coaster The resulting slide, called the "Cannonball Loop”. was so intimidating that employees have reported they were offered $100 (equivalent to $252 in 2021) to test it. Fergus. who described himself as "one of the idiots" who took the offer, said, "$100 did not buy enough booze to drown out that memory." The slide was open for only a month in 1985 before it was closed at the order of the state's Advisory Board on Carnival Amusement Ride Safety. a highly unusual move at the time. One worker told a local newspaper that "there were too many bloody noses and back injuries” from riders.|! Some early riders came back with lacerations to their bodies: when the ride was closed to determine what had caused therm. teeth that had fallen out were found lodged in the interior walls. A former Navy physician found that riders were experiencing as much as nine Gs of acceleration as they went through the loop.

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first time i've not seen anyone mentioning horse cock under a vaush mention

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that thing has achieved a self sustained fusion reaction

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never doubt the power of the sonic fan


iirc your brain processes black a bit slower than color

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did some digging and found the original artists and it turns out this was the splash for the development version specifically hence why it's not in the splash archive

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oh i only have a computer to sit there going "beep boop" and giggling to myself i've never turned it on

we must commision hundreds of artists drawing oiled up trump got it

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i cast iron.

Eminem throwing a cast iron pan at the camera

the user behind this is some "jamie0723", both they and the subs they've made have no posts and link back to sites that i can only assume are a scams or grifts. block they ass

God is so gay he forgot to make women a thing at first

equivalent of doing this i think