action park rule

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in case the Wikipedia article is too hard to read:

in 1983 GAR built an enclosed water slide called the Cannonball Loop. This was not unusual for that time. In fact, the park already had several such slides. On this one, however, they decided to build a complete vertical loop at the end, similar to that of a roller coaster The resulting slide, called the "Cannonball Loop”. was so intimidating that employees have reported they were offered $100 (equivalent to $252 in 2021) to test it. Fergus. who described himself as "one of the idiots" who took the offer, said, "$100 did not buy enough booze to drown out that memory." The slide was open for only a month in 1985 before it was closed at the order of the state's Advisory Board on Carnival Amusement Ride Safety. a highly unusual move at the time. One worker told a local newspaper that "there were too many bloody noses and back injuries” from riders.|! Some early riders came back with lacerations to their bodies: when the ride was closed to determine what had caused therm. teeth that had fallen out were found lodged in the interior walls. A former Navy physician found that riders were experiencing as much as nine Gs of acceleration as they went through the loop.

I had to look this up and here is the wiki link: That waterslide is bonkers.

I think they should've built it open instead

They did have to install a hatch because people got stuck.

My point was that being open it would've been even easier to get damaged and it would be even scarier to ride

But yeah, they did install a hatch

holy shit 9Gs is brutal